Customizing the L5's ringtone

For those who had to resort to the internet: 1968

So I guess we know what @tracy is using for his ringtone. :joy:


Thanks to @spaetz for his OP for us noobs to be able to change the ringtone to our favorites.

Happy with the new customized sounds thanks to your instructions. Also a big thanks for all your other works for L5 and Mobian and ‘stuff that doesn’t matter’.

You are a were that @spaetz info is old and there is a simple selection gui to do this now? Look at the Feedback tab in mobile settings app (phosh-mobile stettings).


Ehhrr…no I wasn’t aware. Thanks!

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Yeah, I would love to add a disclaimer to that effect, but I cannot edit my own old post.

Your OP is still valid isn’t it? As in… it works the same as the GUI option and does not interfere if the GUI option is not enabled?

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I have no clue as I don’t know what the gui settings do.

Just checked the phosh mobile setting (app, 0.24.1 by Guido Günther). In the Feedback tab there’s only the option to set it to full/quiet/silent. No options for customizing ring tones.

phosh-mobile-settings is now at version 0.28.0 (the package in byzantium has version 0.28.0-1pureos1).

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Right. On the L5 I have 0.28.0, haven’t uploaded a custom ringtone on that device. On Pinephone Phosh setting is still on 0.24.1 and no update/upgrade on that one. I happened to fiddle around with sounds on Pinephone.

I hope you’ll understand it will be a support nightmare for the Purism devs here if people continue to post about issues on other devices and/or distributions. No offense, please post that in a Mobian forum or issue tracker next time. :slight_smile:


You are right and I didn’t mean to.

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