Disappointed w/ China slams

What, precisely, do you think a community flag button is for?

I personally do not care how well another country is doing.

I actually want the USA to not police the world and use another countries labor. I want us to be self-sufficient.

You are arguing with the wrong people. You want to fight the people who are globalist that are looking to exploit people around the world so they can increase their power and profit. The people claiming to be for “everyone” are the people actually looking to exploit the world. I would think China would recognize that since you are desperately fighting for your ethno-state.

Any country doing well makes absolutely no difference to the USA unless they are aggressors. So don’t act aggressive. But you clearly have a chip on your shoulder and are looking to prove something. That attitude will only lead to destruction.

The USA also doesn’t have an ethno-state. We welcome people who are from China to come to the USA and live a peaceful life with us.

That does it.

I can’t believe it. Why was my reply to Wade hidden because the “community” found it offensive??? Have the moderators that censored it looked at anything else in this hijacked OP?
I’d like to prevent this from happening again, so why was it trashed?

BTW it had 2 likes and took only 1 hater to delete it. That’s about as fair as things get around here.

Is there a rule as to why we aren’t told why?

This tread started as constructive feedback to a specific article made by Purism, and then it went completely off the rails breaking, our forum rules in several points along the way down this thread.

Particularly with insults and Ad hominem attacks.

I am closing this thread because of all of this.

@Sharon I have forwarded your feedback internally.

User holycow has been suspended for now.