Does the Librem mini support wake on LAN?

I am experimenting with some trading software called Bison Wallet which needs to be left running to complete orders. One of the developers told me that the computer’s sleep function should not interfere with the proper application operation so long as WoL (Wake on LAN) is supported, and suggested checking the BIOS setting to make sure this is enabled.

I searched Gnome power control panel and network settings for any mention of WoL and could not find any. I am running the latest version of PureBoot along with PureOS 11 Crimson.

Has anyone successfully configured and tested WoL for the Librem Mini?



This might be an important difference though.

Can we assume that you want wake from wired LAN rather than wake from WiFi?

Another complication would be whether the Librem Mini is using an Intel integrated ethernet controller or a discrete ethernet controller. lspci is your friend.

nmcli does show some settings that might be relevant e.g.

nmcli conn show <censored-ethernet> | grep -i wake

802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan:             default
802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan-password:    --

So perhaps there is hope. Note that the above output is not from a Librem Mini.

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Yes, this is a wired only connection.

Great suggestion re: nmcli tool. I get the same output, whatever ‘default’ indicates.

$ sudo nmcli conn show LAN | grep -i wake
802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan:             default
802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan-password:    --
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If you use the GUI nm-connection-editor then on the ethernet tab you can see the 6 possible values for WOL. You can of course change the setting from the shell using nmcli if you prefer.

magic is the traditional meaning of Wake-on-LAN but then in your environment I don’t know which device will be sending the magic packet and where it is located on the network???

At least for testing you might like to install a program on another computer, which program will send the magic packet to a host on the local network (the Mini in this case) and verify that wake occurs on the Mini.