Epiphany (Web) is very crashy on my new Librem 5

Nor Epiphany neither any Epiphany webapps render any websites at all for me on L5 and haven’t for at least a week now. I have downgraded the above mentioned packages again, but it doesn’t make any difference. Epiphany doesn’t crash on me though, but maybe that is because it doesn’t render anything.

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No, there is no connection as far as I know. It’s a shame since Secrets has a very nice UI for Gnome, compared to KeepassXC which is cross-platform (I have already asked KeepassXC’s team about an adaptive window but it was not possible unfortunately).

After trying to install Chromium Web Browser and failing, now the GNOME Web Browser keeps crashing, almost unusable. Is this due to recent system updates or Chromium interfering?

Just did the system upgrades and those webkit packages updated again. I keep thinking that a new version would fix whatever weirdness is happening, but I think it just keeps going to 2.36.4…

I’ve got a script to downgrade and I see the thing about apt-mark and all that, but if PureOS has its own repo, isn’t there a way to keep the working version as the best for everyone so that we all don’t have to apt-mark or do some other work around?

I also wonder overall why it wouldn’t get fixed sooner because it really does crash on a lot of pages. I guess it has to do with how it is interacting with something else on the librem5 because otherwise I wouldn’t see how it would have been released.

On a somewhat similar thought, does anyone know how much work it would take to get the update descriptions showing in the store? I think that would add so much and maybe something I could help with.


That sure would be helpful. I already raised an issue for that.

When I tried to downgrade a couple of days ago I got an error that it could not find the packages. Were you able to get it to downgrade?

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same here Epiphany since the latest webkit upgrades at least loads websites, but crashes at various points, still completely unusable and nothing that Purism should install by default on their L5 since it doesnt work, also purism shouldnt push PureOS updates that werent tested to actually work on the phone L5, i believe that lies with the packagers responsibility


Same for me, I tried reinstalling epiphany, but didn’t get any improvements. Problems with Firefox ESR too.


Have these versions changed or do I need to add some extra flags to allow the downgrade? When I run this, apt reports that the versions are not found.

Anecdotally, I have some better luck with the flatpak version of Epiphany. It has loaded Duolingo, Instagram, and YouTube fine for the most part, but there have been some page crashes. This version doesn’t seem to allow installing a site as a web app, though.

FF seems more stable, but the UI squished down to a phone screen isn’t great.


Epiphany fixed for crashing.


huge improvement indeed but not any better than it was 6MO ago.


Which part was better?

He is saying that it was not better.

More specifically, 6 months ago it was somewhat crashy, then there was a regression and it became very crashy for the last 6 months, now suddenly the regression is fixed and it is back to the way it was 6 months ago (somewhat crashy).


Thank you.

By the way, did you know that it was possible to install webextensions on Gnome Web beta version? I did it on the desktop version and it works depending on the type of extension…
I wish the Gnome Secrets application had a web browser extension to enter passwords automatically !


It is soo much fun that DuckDuckGo even exists in your stats!
My dream is that duckduckgo will make a mobile Linux browser (based on Gnome Web, instead of Safari?), i really love their iOS DuckDuckGo browser and its very usable and good.

On a sidenote, Purism should create settings for their Firefox Browser since that is what most people are using on Librem 5 to default to DuckDuckGo (I am not working for the company, but they have saner privacy defaults)

I use startpage myself…they do tout that they do not track you…whereas I’m not so sure anymore about duckduckgo…maybe google bought them.

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once they get bought i for sure stop using it haha, but as far as i know a Google Engineer actually created DuckDuckGo after leaving Google, so you can thank him for taking all the Google Knowledge and making money himself, they use Advertisement that is Non-Targeted, and that is how it should be done.

But aren’t all browsers running on iOS, by Apple Law, built on Apple’s own browser core?

Not that it matters in terms of the suggestion that they would create a browser based on Gnome Web for the Linux ecosystem.

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