Error on clean install

Hey guys. First time installing PureOS dual booting with windows. After booting live off my USB, I ran the installer. When I choose the “encrypt system” option and reboot, it comes up with a password prompt, and after entering my encryption password it shows the PureOS logo with a message in the top left corner saying something like “cryptsetup successful luks-fec…” before dropping me into an initramfs terminal. When I try running the exit command, it says something like “Alert! /dev/mapper/luks-fec… does not exist.” This file in fact does not exist, and I did some toying around and found that my fstab file is empty, not sure if that’s supposed to be the case. The blkid command does in fact show this luks-fec… partition, but it doesn’t seem to be recognized by this “mapper”.

Booting live of the USB works, booting in recovery allows me to go to the desktop, and not checking “encrypt system” on install works. I’ve tried multiple reinstalls as well.

Any solutions on this? Been working at it for a few hours and not much is happening.

Try overwriting PureOS over Windows and see if that allows you to properly boot first.

I have everything on my windows pc right now so I’d rather not reset it, I’m more so just testing out using Linux as I’ve messed around with it before but never used it too much. Is there another way of doing it?

Using the live USB is good enough for testing purposes. If you want to use PureOS for production, I suggest backing up your important files within Windows first before considering a dual boot setup or otherwise.

Gotcha. The main reason I want to keep windows is for gaming at this point, as it seems like a lot of games aren’t Linux compatible as well as some features like directx, so I’d still need windows somehow. I guess what I’ll do for now is boot from a persistent USB, but it seems strange to me that my pureos install wouldn’t be able to dual boot with windows, as I’ve seen plenty of other people get it working on other forums

If you want to play video games using Linux, I suggest using Nobara. It is a turnkey solution for Linux gaming/streaming, and has support for a customized Proton from GloriousEggroll to use with Steam.