Experiences with Mobian / PostmarketOS / Kupfer on the L5

I am a user not a guru and so the commandline is not my daily meeting spot. There are only 2 commands to do there regularly:

  • sudo apk upgrade
  • sudo flatpak upgrade

and that’s it :slight_smile:


Since yesterday I have running Mobian stable on the L5. toooo short for an really good report.

But GPS, BT, Camera are working and calls can be received and made. All packages installed via apt-get and flatpak are working and have actual versions

  • Geary
  • Authenticator
  • Evolution
  • Telegram
  • Flare

work as expected and Calendar + Contacs get their data from in background running evolution from my Groupware server via Carddav/Caldav.

So far so good :wink:

More to come



How is Firefox working? I remember it working very well on my Pinephone a couple of years ago.


Up to now I can only report positive

All is running fast and proper.
Energy-consumption as shitty as in PureOS :frowning:

For me I have no miss for Crimson any more. If there were no further - undiscovered- bugs I will use Mobian-stable as my daily from now on

Firefox I use very rare. I do not like browsing on such a small display. Therefore I cannot state here something for Firefox


Thanks for Update.

But that proves more or less that your specific PureOS installation was broken in some way. A lot of things that work for you on Mobian are working for me on Byzantium since ever (which is around one year, I know times before were worse).
However, you’re happy now and that’s the important thing.

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Does that include hands free bluetooth?


I agree, but some small screen browsing is necessary… which is why I want a good Firefox experience on the L5. Right now, PureOS + @Emma gives me pretty damn good experience – maybe not better than Mobian on Pinephone, but very, very usable, remarkable!

If Mobian is as good on L5 now as it was on PP two years ago – including stable, “hands-free” phone calls with seamless audio switching from podcast to phone and back – then I’m there… until PureOS catches up. :wink:


You’re speaking about car usage? It’s not my use case, so I don’t know.

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It was not broken,

but Crimson let me sit here with an hopeless outdated Debian, an old Geary which cannot be used for handling a bigger IMAP account and much more problems like this. Also with an outdated flatpak which gives me problems with outdated and no more maintained runtimes of Gnome/Plasma etc.

With Mobian all these problems are gone, I have a maintained Geary, Evolution, Flare and all the other things I need for a phone used as an daily driver. Also receiving and making calls with an configured SIP account are working absolutely flawlessly. Also Geary does what it should and runs stable and usable with my corporate IMAP account

Therefore I am happy with it and for the first time the phone is usable (like in PureOS) AND all the maintained and actual packages from Debian could be used

For me Byzantinum can come or not now. I finally found an alternative with an maintained and up-to-date Debian and I am happy with it.


I guess by all your hundreds of negative posts (at least it feels like so much :smile:) I may mismatched information. When I was looking for few min ago, I found a post about Crimson with calling issues. So that was maybe the reason. But it does not matter anymore.

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Yes, fortunately the way with Byzantinum and the “endless-waiting-forCrimson” maybe over :wink:

I think mobian/pm-os may be the future. I have lost all hope for Crimson, thats it

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Does postmarketOS on the L5 have the same issues with the modem as mobian? Also can anyone tell me about their experience with calls (also what version gnome calls is or what app they are using) and how they are doing calls (anyone using SIP)?



For me Mobian works better than Postmarketos even in the modem stability


Good to know, thank you

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Postmarketos doesn’t have the mobile data handoff issue like pureos has, and it uses the latest phosh and phone-osk-stub, and very smooth on scrolling(other UIs are sluggish). Uninstalling apps have more freedom than pureos such as If I want to uninstall Geary, somehow in pureos, it will cause a lot of dependencies deleted and give you a warning do as I say text. Pmos has no problem on this. I don’t see the reason why not go for the pmos. I also got the pgp working in the pmos as well.


postmarketOS is not a fully-free system, but instead includes unfree firmware in their package manager. So, PureOS has an ethical advantage over postmarketOS.

Also, in my experience, postmarketOS is all over the place with its development, so it’s not as stable as byzantium on Librem 5. Regularly with postmarketOS, an update on the Librem 5 will cause something new to break.

I get the impression that Librem 5 is not a high priority for postmarketOS. Whereas with PureOS, the maintainers specifically have the Librem 5 in mind, so if an update breaks something on the Librem 5, it is more likely to get noticed and addressed if you’re using PureOS.

The advantage of postmarketOS is more up-to-date software. So, if you want a less ethical, more unstable OS, with the latest software available, use postmarketOS.

If you want a more freedom-respecting OS that will break less, but uses old software, choose PureOS.


Thanks for the inputs, but I used both, I don’t see how pmos is less stable than pureos10. Both has similar problems when I use them daily, plus pureos has the mobile data handle off issues. I still need many scripts to handle issues, such as mobile data issues.

Secondly, I don’t know how many L5 users are for the so the freedom. I don’t see how much freedom or really don’t mind to be honest. I bought two librem 5s just because I am bored on the Android and dislike the IOS since blackberry and windows died long time ago, Sailfish OS becomes a subscribtion based, so librem 5 I found is another platform that I can jump into. As I don’t mind about the tracking, pmos provides more latest applications, faster updates, to be honest, smoother(except the chatty app). But, that is just my opinion,

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I’ve used them both for a substantial amount of time. By stability, I don’t mean that PureOS has no problems. It has many. I mean that the problems change less often. For example, last week I flashed the latest postmarketOS release to an SD card, booted it on the Librem 5, and things seemed to be working well. Try as I might, that was the last time I could boot that installation. Mysteriously, after shutting it down, the pmOS installation was just bricked. That’s the sort of experience that I’m talking about with postmarketOS that happens more rarely with PureOS. Sure, many things don’t work with PureOS, but there aren’t new major issues popping up all the time.

Also, software freedom is core to Purism’s history of marketing, as well as the language in the founding charter of the company. I get the impression that it is important to many Librem 5 customers. It is to me.

But hey, I’ve tried and extensively used postmarketOS, so I’m not saying that’s unreasonable. I’m just laying down a few points of consideration from my perspective.


You are right about the reboot. I also flashed the pmos edge with phosh, black screen on the boot, I have to flash console only and connect to wifi manually on the commandline and install the phosh. However, yeah, just personal opinion that latest version attracts me more. Byzantium 10 is smooth, the backports chat thread is nice that I upgraded to the latest versions, but laggy. So pmos is in between in terms of usage. As for the freedom part, can’t speak for that since I wasn’t aiming for that haha. Nice chat though. I really wish the Crimson can do really well when it releases.


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