External battery charger for Librem5

Might be that we are having belonging diagnosis (as in this moment cannot find in my head another/proper technical term) there. I mean knowledgeable Purism people can pinpoint (point out, I hope) now where the actual problem lies, which hardware (or software) location might be damaged, if so.

Therefore another question from my side: is it this steady (constant) green LED light constantly there, is it staying there forever? So long until Librem 5 battery removed. Perhaps another brief press on power button again might change something toward positive move, move ahead, perhaps Librem 5 boots again. Please repeat this procedure by swapping your batteries as well, focus yourself only on that for a while (although your previous PureOS already erased (if so) and neither installed there completely again). Get somehow this Success 1 output/message please.

 Green | The U-Boot bootloader has started running. 

@librem5, please read about within this link. Green (flashing) is explained further below: includes advice.

This thread has evolved into a wall of text that, from a quick glance, contains a lot of wild guesses and incorrect assumptions.

@librem5 it appears that your device gets stuck at some point while trying to boot from USB (which is a prerequisite for both flashing and launching Jumpdrive). This can either mean issues with USB communication (on either host or device side) or outright broken hardware that can’t even successfully boot into the bootloader. Please contact support.


:joy: finally dos it here.

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Yes already discussing it with support.
Expecting reply tomorrow or so about further steps.

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Got the RMA, I’ll update the post once I get phone back.

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I own an additional battery, an universal charger and I charged it with this external charger (specs are visible below). The battery shows now 4.303V. As I read in this and other threads:

  1. I should not insert the battery with this voltage. correct?
  2. What should a resistor has as Ohm (Ω) to discharge the battery externally before inserting?

UPDATE: IIRC my electronic school, a battery of 4500mAh and 4V which will be discharged in 9h means that this is done with: 4500mAh / 9h = 500mA = 0.5A and following R = U / I means: 4V / 0.5A = 8Ω. A I wrong?


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Post can’t be empty

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You can insert it, just keep the modem and GPS off until it goes below 4.2V (POWER_SUPPLY_VOLTAGE_OCV).


Just received my phone with motherboard replacement :crossed_fingers: .
I’ll update the thread by next week (or earlier if I hit issue).

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I can enter jumpdrive, I don’t have need to flash right now so not trying flash at moment.

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Trying to bring things back on topic, I have been looking for one of those charging stations like the ones for recharging sets of 2-way radios to charge up 2-4 spare Librem5 batteries at once. My reason is that I still want to figure out a way to stop bringing android/ios with me when I go on backpacking trips. Plus, I think just having a small pouch like those USB drive carrying cases with a few extra batteries in it would be easier and less bulky than an external battery pack.


4 spare batteries would be 16000 mah + kinda big charging station, I think at that point one or 2 10000 mah external packs would be more convenient and lighter.


I’ve been carrying both pretty much wherever I go for the last six months: one spare L5 battery and one 20,000 mAh power bank.

I almost always end up using the latter. Not having to power down the phone and then boot up again is just too convenient.

In two scenarios, I still find the spare battery useful: when traveling light, e.g. at concerts, and at venues where bringing power banks is forbidden, e.g. at the stadium.

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Please Could you let me know how did you insert the battery to recharge it?
I bought it on Amazon reading your post but battery is larger than the max opening of the charger! I can’t insert it!
In fact, if you measure battery it’s 6mm instead the max opening of the charger is 55mm!
Thank you

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Even bigger battery than that of Librem5 can fit in this charger.
Bottom / side part is spring loaded, you need to pull it back before battery can slide in.
Contacts can be moved around.
Please see pictures in this post: External battery charger for Librem5 - #77 by librem5

I can take a video if you want to see how it works.

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Yes, I did it! Till the end but smaller than battery. Maybe I bought a different model:

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As you can see, battery takes to the end of the charger! I would have to break the sliding carriage in order to place it all in the charger


That’s so weird!! It seems same I bought on Amazon but how can battery fit it if max open is 55mm instead L5 battery is 60mm?

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Yes this looks different

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