Firefox ESR 15.3.1 unstable on PureOS

Anyone else notice Firefox freezing or crashing?

No, still works as always on my Librem 5 USA.

I haven’t experienced any freezing or crashing.

What hardware are you using? Also, firefox-esr 115.4.0 recently released in byzantium. Can you let us know if you still experience instability after an update?

Yes, I can only use FF when connected with a mouse and an external monitor - which I experience some difficulties with…

Thanks everyone. I should have mentioned this is a Librem 14 laptop. Yes, a new version showed up this morning, it’s installed, and we shall see what happens. It could also be due to my strange collection of extensions, of course. I also have a stand-alone up-to-date copy for just this sort of issue.
Sounds like this is an isolated problem, so that’s good.

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You can start Firefox from the command line in order to disable your “strange” extensions by doing: firefox --safe-mode

That might fault isolate your extensions.