Firefox update does not work Instructions please

I have searched all posts regarding Firefox and get frustated. Also tried to find it on debian wiki. My Firefox is not working proper anymore, because of it needs to be udated. I can not edit the CMS of websites anymore. But I really can not find how to update Firefox. Why isn’t firefox in software? Please help me with easy instructions how to update this nightmare… Sorry for frustration…

I currently have 78.8.0esr. ESR version

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I don’t see Firefox via the PureOS repo in the Software app either. I do see Firefox in the FlatHub repo though.

You can install Firefox from the PureOS repo, though, using “sudo apt install firefox-esr”. If it is already at the latest version the PureOS repo has, it will tell you. The message I get is “firefox-esr is already the newest version (78.14.0esr-1~deb11u1).”

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Thanks @leetaur. I have put this command in Tilix and it indeed said it is the latest version. There is a version downloadable that carries 78.15. Then I might have trouble with my Firefox…

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I am not a fan of Firefox personally, anymore. I uninstalled the default browser in PureOS and replaced it with librewolf. Ive had no issues with it on PureOS so far.

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how did you do that librewolf install

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