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phosh-mobile-settings/byzantium,now 0.26.0-1pureos1 arm64 [installed,automatic]
Phosh and related settings for mobile
phosh-mobile-tweaks/byzantium,now 0.25.2-1pureos2 all [installed,automatic]
Pure Wayland shell for mobile devices - GSettings tweaks
happens on phosh/phoc 0.25.2 regardless of battery state, whether screen is locked or unlocked, blanked or unblanked.
Where the screen repeatedly will turn on and off after power button release, or where you turn the screen off with power button and on release it immediatelly turns back on (that happens all the time for me especially when plugged into USB charging), the screen does not really flicker just blank/unblank repeatedly without user input (that can even keep going for me indefinately where i had to restart the phone once so a regression of sorts).
I believe once phosh/phoc 0.26 or higher is out it has a few power button release type fixes that will hopefully resolve this regression.