Font size for individual applicatoins

I will admit I suffer from Hyperopia and hate using reading glasses. This becomes a bother while using applications such as Calls or Messages on Librem 5. I tried increasing the scale beyond 200% but it make the application window large and often does not fit the screen.

So, I was wondering if there is a way to increase the font size in individual applications? This is like increasing the font-size in browser windows for example, in Firefox if I hit Ctrl++ then the font size increases but it does not affect the application window scaling. Can this be extended to other applications as well and if so, how?


On Crimson/Dawn, you can go to Settings → Accessibility, then toggle Large Text on to significantly increase the font size:

It does not seem to affect Chatty messages or Calls’ dial pad, but contact entries are enlarged.

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Until Crimson is officially released, you can use this:

gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name

That will get you the current font name and size, e.g.:

Cantarell 11

To set it to something else, e.g. Cantarell 12 (or 13, 14, etc.):

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface font-name "Cantarell 12"

[ref: [Solved] How to change GNOME fonts from the terminal / Newbie Corner / Arch Linux Forums]

You can also use the dconf Editor app to set the same, at:
org > gnome > desktop > interface > font-name

(Note that the native version of dconf Editor may be a little quirky to scroll; may not be a problem with the flatpak version. Select something toward the bottom or top of screen, then after the next level opens, go up one level to return to where you were, with additional entries now visible either at top or at bottom. Repeat if necessary.)


Thank you @amarok it works perfectly. :+1:


Great, mark @amarok’s post as a solution. You should also update your other topic of a similar question about adjusting font size:

In case you don’t want or need the font enlargement in some apps, you could also write a little script to revert to the non-active font (whether the smaller or larger of the two), and create a desktop launcher for changing it on-the-fly.


I thought on that aspect. Thanks again