I don’t defend their messaging or the refund delays, but I do respect their mission and their people very much.
Puzzling statement. Even killers get defendants. It’s a basic right in civilized lands.
Might it be time to close the topic, since the OT pursued a way of action in response to his initial uncertainty, and the thread is starting to run away?
The messaging is, at this point, downright fraudulent. And I’ve lost all trust in that end of the operation. I have no idea whether I’ll get my phone in a month…or six years, and anything they’ve said now or will say in the future is worse than useless.
And since I don’t want to wait an indefinite/undefinable amount of time, I’m tilting more and more to demanding my refund and doing what I must to make it stick.
I wouldn’t BE in this place if they were just honest with us. Unfortunately, now even if they were honest (for once) I wouldn’t believe them.
Their story about “in stock” may be confusing, but concerning the Librem 5 (non-)delivery they are honest enough in my view: There is currently a shortage of hardware parts and it’s just impossible to ship the phones until they can receive those parts. What else do you want to know? Even Apple is struggling with the supply chain problem currently.
I sort of wanted to know why the 90-day lead time for the L5 USA is still advertised — despite the troubles and uncertainty about parts, despite that my “in stock” order of 5 July 2021 is still not shipped. Why don’t they update the “Buy Now” to “Pre-order” with delivery estimation “when parts arrive”? I also wanted to know why they are taking weeks/months to refund the order.
But I agree that the answers are all apparent and there’s no point in moping them around. Reports on any chargeback progress would now be much more interesting. Mine is underway now.
Precisely. They don’t get a pass on lying about the product’s status just because elsewhere they complain about parts being hard to come by.
Right now if their front page announced the sky was blue, I’d have to go verify it.
Your phone was significantly delayed. But it does not mean that new orders will be delayed in the same way. Purism apparently expects that they will be delivered in 90 days. Yours should be too, according to this logic.
How is that apparent? The claimed expectation, if it genuinely exists, has been slipping forward and forward. On 3 October 2021 it was 90 days after placing my order, and, according to your theory, they now expected to ship it by 1 January 2022. Why don’t you make a bet now? On that date, it will slip to 1 April 2022. And so on and on. Every time they still genuinely expect to ship it within 90 days and that’s why they keep this fugure on the product page. Perfectly conscientious, nothing to pick on!
I guess this is exactly what is happening. The situation with the supply chain is getting worse, but not enough to increase the current “lead time” at every moment of time.
Even if they genuinely expect to have the parts within three months, which would make the 90 days sincere (though you’d think they’d learn faster than Charlie Brown did with Lucy and the football–but then again, that’s what Purism has been doing to us and many people here are naive enough to keep falling for it) even if stupid (and I don’t think they’re that stupid), there is NO justification for claiming the phone is “in stock” if they don’t have an assembled unit ready to ship, or at the very least, all of the parts on hand, and an employee on staff able to assemble them.
It’s a damned lie.
On further reflection…it’s entirely possible that they indeed have ONE phone ready to ship, so that they can claim “in stock” in a way that will stand up in court.
They just don’t actually ship it.
They have been continuously claiming “Now Shipping!” for it for more than half a year now.
Yep. I know that.
I was willing to switch from L5 to L5 USA on the strength of that LIE.
Given that the OP has gotten what they wanted, and that the same things keep getting repeated with no visible progress to the discussion, I’m going to follow the earlier request and close this thread.
In case complaints, please contact the mod team.