FOSDEM 2024 talk by Sebastian Krzyszkowiak about USB suspend/resume bug affecting Librem 5


Just thank you for new patches Sebastian Krzyszkowiak. :pray:

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Do we have new patches for the USB problem?

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It is fixes for Data from S2R, so gsm-internet and mms will more reliable.

What usb problem issues that i do not know?

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Watching this now


The half hang thing which I thought had something to do with the USB port issues. When I connect my Nexdock it will do this when I unplug or replug it.


Tested and it really work amazing. ( ! ) bug it gone.

Fixed too.

If u want testing downloads packages below then install all: ‘sudo dpkg -i *.deb’ on Librem 5 then Reboot, check box before and after s2r.

Gnu Byzantium download only.


All packages were processed from Petitboot System.

Gnu | Purism
Libre Software
Sebastian Krzyszkowiak

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So these fixes are not mainstreamed yet?

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No really. This is a quick opportunity for your device to perform better. :wink:

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Ok so what breaks when I do this?

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Nothing brakes, just reupdates some system packages.

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Can you post the link instead of the QR code?


What do you mean by the above quoted sentence?

Will these updates be (soon) in the normal Byzantium repository? I see there is a kernel update in migration. Will this update contain some of fixes? What about the fixes in the other packages that are in the tar from Filebin, when will they be in the regular Byzantium repository? I’m really looking forward to more stability. Thanks to all who worked on this!

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On my test i needed to check data box 2 times in order to work, but i guess it will work only 1 time depend on reason. So first time i checked/enabled data box then i put the phone in modo suspend then i wake up the phone and ( ! ) bug showed again so i went to check data box and i see that data box was uncheck for some reason, then i check again the box then everything worked good in the sense that i not need to recheck the box on every suspend2ram.

I guess this will take long time to arrive.

Thats incoming Core it is what it is into tar file, and yes it contains extra fixes for reliability.

Tar file contains rebased modemmanager and deps in order to get all fixes. Will take some time to arrive for Byzantium.

Tar file was created like you to quick feel the Stability in Librem 5.


It seems I have missed some episodes… what it this update for Byzantium doing? My L5 already suspends and resumes. What do these new packages do?

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Is purism planning to return to the developer capacity they once had, assuming sufficient budget? That’s my favorite thing about purism, their incredible contributions to free software


I think after doing this to my phone I couldn’t get MMS to work anymore. I’m just going to wait until this fix is mainlined. In trying to fix the problem I bricked the phone so now reflashing it.

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Thanks for reporting back. I not tested MMS with Tar file however i heavy tested Data and worked good as MMS depend on Mobile Data in order to work. So i going to testing MMS now.

What do you mean Bricked the phone with Tar file?

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The cellular data connection getting stale is a completely separate problem that’s unrelated to the one described in the talk (which hasn’t been occurring on PureOS for about 1.5 year now), so this is off-topic in this thread.

There are no updates that could fix it yet. There is a hacky branch I’ve made that makes ModemManager use old-school PPP instead of QMI to set up data connection, which workarounds this problem, but causes some others: Mobile data stops working, outgoing packets still sent but incoming packets no longer arrive (#328) · Issues · Librem5 / OS-issues · GitLab

This is not a proper solution and you’re not going to receive any support while using these packages. Also, please don’t download and install packages from random filebins. The branch has CI artifacts in GitLab built from auditable sources, use that if you must.


I understand that now, sometimes the most valuable lessons are learned the hard way. I will wait until this problem is solved, sorry for the hijack.

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