Fwupd.org Another automatic network request

I have a vision. I would like for my computer not to use the internet function until I open the internet browser to do the internet function, or use the update commands in the command line to do the internet updates, or activate some other program where I tell the computer to use this internet. I think this would be a nice design.

Sometimes I open network monitoring on PureOS on my devices to look at what kind of automatic connections are being made without me initiating them. I just saw a connection when my Librem 14 was sitting idle to fwupd.org. What is the reason that this connection happens without the user initiating the activity?

I’m just curious. I know that sometimes, because I did not write all the software myself, these systems are functionally outside of my control because of limits to my attention span.

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Screenshot at 2023-12-22 07-10-21

Disable networking until you’re ready…?

Screenshot at 2023-12-22 07-17-54

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I think disabling networking “until I’m ready” would conceptually be a failure of free software. Rather than containing systems inside of on-off switches, it is better if the systems are under my control and do what I desire.

But, to your second point, I ought to look more at startup settings. That sounds like a good idea. I’m on i3 at the moment so I don’t know if it has the same kind of setting(s) in the same kind of places, but maybe I will find them.

As far as software updates go, if nothing else, you should be able to disable the service that does automatic updates and/or change the configuration so that it never actually triggers.