This is my first post here and I’m very aware that I don’t want to be the recipient of any brick-bats and that my topic heading might tend to attract them… No brick-bats please
My circumstances:
- I have recently moved to Debian Stable after using another distribution since its first iteration over a decade and a half ago;
- My reasons for changing were two fold - I’ve been feeling that the distribution I was using had been moving away from the freedom it once espoused (but which I had always been a bit skeptical of) and I, after over 15 years, am getting to old to upgrade my system with the regularity which was required (perhaps with my aging self I was also looking for a bit more stability);
- I’m generally very pleased with the move and wonder now why the trepidation before (the main reason I didn’t go with Debian 15 years ago was it seemed to be considered jumping in the deep end then);
- However, I have been finding that Stable is perhaps not as up-to-date as I’d like, see here:
And I’d been intending a move to Testing once my system had settled down; - I would like to run SELinux as my MAC system - although I run a laptop not a server, I am intending to follow the instructions here: - My hardware is a HP Spectra 360 and requires blobs: - I’m the lucky owner to be of one of these:
(One day.)
So, my questions:
Q1: what MAC does PureOS run - I’ve read some historical stuff that it was running AppArmor but I’ve searched about the repositories and find SELinux bits about the place - is it just an option or is PureOS running SELinux by default and are there desktop policies written for it? I had thought it was and so there would be and thought of poaching them for my Debian install…
Q2: Would the binary blobs required for my machine pose an obstacle to PureOS or can I simply include Debian contrib and non-free packages as needed?
Q3: I’ve found a few posts about ‘side-grading’ between Debian and PureOS:
But, I’m still feeling pretty green about dpkg and apt generally - is there a /etc/apt/sources.list I can drop into or merge with mine to ease the side-grade?
Q4: If PureOS is running SELinux and as it is forked from Debian Testing - and I’m going to have a Librem 5 one day - then, installing PureOS would seem to be the sensible way to achieve my ends of moving to Testing and running SELinux - any comment?
Apologies if this is a bit of a rambling introduction