Getting ghosted by support

My suggestion, based on various online entities that I deal with, is that there should be a ticketing system where the customer initiates the creation of the ticket, and the customer can participate along the way in that ticket, and only that one customer can view any aspect of that ticket (but of course some Purism staff would be able to view all aspects of the ticket). So it would be all web-based and random emails would have no role in it. (Email has proven to be a little troublesome e.g. emails getting blocked as spam or otherwise lost, plus other difficulties or limitations with email as it relates to support.)

However I really don’t think a better system is going to address the actual problems being raised here.


He’s apparently claiming he never heard from me again. If that interpretation is correct…well, I’ve emailed him multiple times since the date mentioned, and in fact he emailed me at least once after that date.

I am VERY concerned by this.


We have this arrangement with third party provider that we use for the backend of our business voip solution, we submit tickets via email or on the portal and we can monitor the status of the tickets and update them with information either further comments or even attachments (i.e. log files, screen shots etc.). If you allow the customer to participate in the process it becomes more reassuring to the customer that there is visibility to the issue, and I think it speeds up the process for the vendor to find solutions or to better understand the problem. I deal with soft faults all the time in my job which are very troublesome to resolve because of their nature, but every little tidbit helps me understand what’s going on.


Most real “client support ticketing systems” will let client service workers see all communications (e-mails and logged notes from verbal conversations) with the client. Trying to use the “issue tracking” features from a software repository, IMO, is trying to bend a system designed for something else into a “client ticketing system”. It was a problem waiting to happen and … it’s happening. There are FOSS client support packages.


I’m discussing available software solutions, (later) human capital and funding requirements with the team.


sorry but this is really weird and bizarre.

if i have an issue with a preorder, an order, a refund or shipping and i emailed customer support, i want customer support to resolve my issue. i don’t want to go to a forum and tag a volunteer and hope he can see my issue then escalate it. why the issue needs to be escalated in the first place, why customer support not just tell the customer why his order isn’t shipping.


Because Purism workers have too much to do since they are a small new company and can’t act like a big well funded company.


Hey guys, just wanted to give a big shout out to Purism for making good on my phone replacement that was lost in shipping. (I’m typing this out on it rn)

Also it seems my old phone must have had a defective modem or something because the replacement now works no problem. I can make calls and texts (MMS included) and I did a test call basically half way home on my 40 minute commute and it held up the call the whole way.

Just wanted to thank @JCS for his assistance and advocacy.


That’s excellent news. :clap:
Enjoy the new L5


<sarcasm>Should I flag your post as off-topic then? :slight_smile:</sarcasm>


Let’s call it resolved!


@JCS @irvinewade

Meanwhile I’m still in a deep, dark, hole.

I received a PM from a different support person, and responded to it, but have not heard back. I both replied to the PM and sent email to the address requested.

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I was aware that there are other customers in this topic whose problems have not been solved yet. Hence I wasn’t going to close the topic even though the OP’s problem has been solved.


Thank you for not closing the thread yet! (I didn’t know it was the usual custom here to close threads on solving, btw, so you not closing it wasn’t as obvious to me as it would have been, had I known.)

(Yes I admit I was afraid of being forgotten.)


We won’t forget about you @SteveC. Have you tried PM’ing @JCS ? He got things done for me.


It looks like there are email issues that are causing some of the problem here. In my case Support says in the forum they did get my emails, and says they replied, and since I didn’t get them there must be something wrong with my email provider.

I have to say I got a laugh out of that. I get plenty of email daily, via the provider I’ve used for 26 years. Usually I’m the one who tells people to check their spam folder. I don’t even do spam filtering, and this is the first time in 26 years someone has said they emailed me and I didn’t get it. Happy days!

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I did, and that’s probably why I got a PM from the other Joao in the first place. After a week absolutely snowed under by my IRL life, I responded; I’m still awaiting a response. I’m going to give it a few more days before pinging him again.

I strongly suspect that what needs to happen is the phone should go in for service, since it’s very insensitive (but not completely insensitive) to signals. But, my opinion is probably no more than a guess and a worthless one at that.

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That is a very lazy way to troubleshoot.

Did they do a message trace to see that their email server delivered the message to your providers email server? If so then yes it would be on your mail provider to continue the trace from there.

For what it’s worth I would still reach out to your mail provider whom should be able to confirm whether or not there was a message delivered to their mail server.


nochelibre and I have done some troubleshooting offline and I’ve raised a couple of issues for Purism to check into. So I guess something may be happening behind the scenes.

Regardless, email is fundamentally unreliable, particularly as actually implemented, with all kinds of anti-spam measures.


Naw, the mailservers know what was delivered where and when and when properly configured notify on failure to deliver. Email itself is quite reliable and when those anti-spam and other services are implemented with notifications enabled and self service tools configured there isn’t even a need to get administrators involved in medsage traces… and when it is necessary to get them involved all of the information should be there to verify where the message was placed and why.