GNOME 43 Released

This release brings a number of changes such as having a number of apps ported to GTK4. PureOS users probably won’t be able to experience the new changes to the desktop environment for a while but users can use the Flatpak version of GNOME apps to see their respective GTK4 improvements. Hopefully Files becomes available for the Librem 5 especially.


Thanks for sharing :open_mouth:

Can I ask how fast PureOS integrates updates in desktop environments or is it not the place?

Like,… I remember not getting GNOME 40 on Debian Stable despite waiting several months, so I hesitatingly installed Debian Unstable.

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The current debian stable Bullseye tracks GNOME 3.38. The next Debian stable which may be released in the first half of 2023 will likely have GNOME 43 or whatever later version of gnome exists at the time of the Debian testing Freeze.


After that it should take a “while” for a new PureOS release.

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Oh that’s too bad :frowning:
Is it because integrating a new desktop environment demands a lot of efforts?