GNUnet Messenger for the Librem 5

I just reinstalled just now then either terminal or gui just not booting… = (
I did too a flatpak update of course.

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You can try to uninstall and deleting its data via flatpak uninstall --delete-data org.gnunet.Messenger. If the command fails, it might be related to the application still running in background (which is intended for receiving messages and other DHT changes). In that case, just kill all processes with “gnunet-” prefix. That should also close the sandbox from the flatpak.

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Just installed flatpak from FlatHub, it starts on my L5.


Can you confirm the version? because v0.8 work here but not v0.9

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That do not work either ‘flatpak kill org.gnunet.Messenger’ or ‘flatpak run org.gnunet.Messenger’.

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It’s 0.9.0


Yes Thanks. I will performing a deep troubleshooting just now to see what is going on.

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General info: Be aware that the application might draw quite some CPU usage when first installed and running because it’s trying to initialize the DHT with a lot of communication between other peers. Went up to 100% CPU usage on mine during testing. ^^’

But there is already some discussion between GNUnet developers to tune services depending on power state and power restrictions like running from battery. Also it should go down after a while.


Try to uninstall flatpak, as @thejackimonster already suggested. Then run pkill -f gnunet, or restart your phone.
Delete ~/.var/app/org.gnunet.Messenger/ as it will remove all of the data/config/cache that app left behind.

Then you should have a clean slate as before you installed it. Make sure to install it from FlatHub, and not PureOS repository.


@thejackimonster @narezina

I got working now…Thanks Both.

This App is Amazing, for sure.


Hopefully next releases won’t break as much compatibility internally. ^^


Next release will have some new features. You will be able to share attributes which are linked to your account/identity with selected contacts and that way it will also be possible to share a custom profile picture.

Current progress on this looks good. There are still things to adjust and all of this to work properly will require a new release of GNUnet, I assume. So I’m not sure when this will arrive. But at least it looks much more comparable to any other popular messaging application every day.


Thank you.
:rocket: thejackimonster
I would like to see Spanish Support on next release.


Well, I don’t speak Spanish. So I can’t do the translation myself. But I’ve implemented the support for localization via gettext already. That means you could go into the repository and write a .po-file for Spanish and contribute it (for example you can send me the file per mail or similar). I would probably merge it.

It just might require some continuous contributions whenever the UI changes or gets new labels to translate. But I think even if it’s not 100% complete, there might be other people to contribute as well.


Looks like i going to send you the es.po file by email, however looks like that some string is missing i not sure, can you add or refresh the main file .po translator.?

Editado: i can not wait for next release for sure…

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I’ve pushed an update. Not all new files were covered yet and I also completed the translation for English and German.


Thanks you. I already sent to you a es.po file to you email, do you got?

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yes, got it. You can just send me the updated one and I will push that. Also I would add your name to the contributors/authors file if that’s okay. Either nickname or real name if you send me that via mail. However you prefer. ^^


Great. I will send to you an updated es.po file tomorrow.
Thank you for the Unique App for an Unique Phone!


Just leave Spanish Feature like Easter Egg on Changelog. :wink: