Google: Out with the FLoC, In with the Topics API

Of course Google will never abandon targeted advertising in favor of just general advertising. They wouldn’t be able to charge their customers so much money. :roll_eyes:
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The topics are “thoughtfully curated,” so… there’s that.


“Google argues that it is mandatory that it builds a user tracking and advertising system into Chrome, and the company says it won’t block third-party cookies until it accomplishes that.”


Ad auctions! Jeez. Maybe they’ll all turn on each other.


I get the impression that all the anti-tracking publicity (and legislation) is starting to make an impression on Google. They seem really intent on revamping and repackaging their spyware however they can.


“Feedback from Apple was positive.”

Well no shit.


Since i will not bore you. Its time to teach your children and your Community how to read, share and analyze Information through scripts and collect information, time saving without advertise and popular browsers.

From their view, its not spying. Its a Service for you, like a digital servant a provision of service from that company to collect and offer you just a small best part of information for your best.

There is no bad hidden agenda behind this, in the first place. Just like in Politic, if you feel and execute kind of power you will use it or sell it.

And we a are in a situation where computers, network and AI rule out Humans/Services with power in daily humans live. Like when you have no humans/friends to spent time with your Children, but Vice-Assistants, Smartphones, Computers Apps and folks on the Web. In later iterations this power will aggregate and sold.

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No doubt! :wink:

Maybe not hidden, but definitely bad, in my opinion.

Opaquely slurping up, tracking, cataloguing, classifying, and storing the private characteristics, behavior, and location of most of the people on Earth, using it to increase their revenue and for who knows how long, all while exerting undue influence on the rest of the browser market, the design of web pages and applications whose creators are enticed to include their tracking and analytics tools, including in mobile software, frequently manipulating access to information as a result of said tracking… Of course, you can choose not to use specific Google applications, but Google’s influence still permeates everything digital. (Facebook is just as bad, if not worse.)

Google has created some very useful services, of course, but we all know for what ultimate purpose. Development and web real estate aren’t free, but maybe we need some other monetization paradigms besides user exploitation in extremis and ad infinitum. (And I don’t know what those could be. Lol!)


Bad news from privacy extension authors:

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Coming soon to a Chrome/chromium browser near you:

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That FLEDGE API sounds… awesome.


From the Register’s article:

“…for running an on-device ad auction based on the user’s interests;”

In other words, spying on users directly on the phone in real time. “That’s totally OK, Google. :roll_eyes: (P.S. Die!)”

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More on Google’s so-called “Privacy Sandbox:”

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I think because of that we have the webview dilemma.

Small privacy updates for chromium Browsers like bromite dot org or alternative Android, lineage os org, need (much) time to catch up…

Floc is when big companies can drop old inflows to hold back community, because some new way of information drain (neural Networks inside the floc) can tweet to the companies under the curtain of modern technology.

Its like your content got encrypted by our App, in Signal, Whatsapp, on Apple, Android or Microsoft devices.

Evils do not need to encrypt if the A.I., transfer data of present behavior to a System to calculate future behavior before. And its just for personal advertising, or to match the right word or sound, or complete the next input for the best case, out of all options. And yes we have to know your locations, movement, account balances, schedule, communication history and much more to do that! Just for the good of yourself.

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From The Register: Google asks websites to kindly not break its shiny new targeted-advertising API

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I like it and find it fiendishly fitting! (Those poor bastards, on the guitar, love it).

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At this point, I think Googevil could just add a dialog such as:

Would you like to be spied on 24/7 so we can rake in more profits?
□ Sure!
□ F*** no, you bastards, f*** off!

Note: In order to protect your privacy, and to ensure our business interests, we are unable to honor any response except the above first option.


That is unnecessary: Chrome users will simply accept any changes and continue to use it regardless of dialog choices or not.

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