Google Voice and the Librem 5

Hi, I received a text today that I could order a physical or esim. I will follow up on how it does.

Question, are they an MVNO?


No, I think they probably just have set up agreements for ad hoc roaming data with some provider(s), maybe a piggyback kind of deal. Iā€™m not really sure how it works, though. Based on a comment I saw in their chatroom, the SIM can connect to different networks in different locations, for instance ā€œOrange Franceā€ although itā€™s inside the U.S. Mine showed AT&T when I tried it in my Librem 5. :man_shrugging:

Keep in mind itā€™s a data-only option, not a drop-in for the usual carrier capabilities. (EDIT: But combined with JMP Chat, it can be a complete replacement, of course.)


Data as in I can make calls, using my number, from my car without using a wifi hot spot, thereby making and receiving telephone calls anywhere with a cellular signal? Or something else?

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Thatā€™s correct. The SIM card provides the mobile data (i.e. internet) connection, and the JMP chat account provides calling, SMS, and MMS ability.