Has Purism refunded you? Is Purism going insolvent?

Discussed here: https://forums.puri.sm/t/so-why-are-you-still-here/19611 which might be a better place to continue that point.

Releasing new products is certainly not proof one way or the other. However the passage of time alone makes the suggestion less and less credible.


It was a question, not a suggestion. And as we discussed in this thread and the one you reference, it’s not defamatory.

I’m choosing to discuss in this thread, because what I’m discussing is your recent behavior:

  1. Why do you persist in saying it’s defamatory when you know it’s not defamation since it is expressed as a genuine question?

  2. Is accusing the OP of defamation, itself, defamatory? Probably not, but only because of ©, below — but it’s still rude and should be out-of-place on this forum. Here is the evidence:
    a. You are making an accusation of bad behavior and not phrasing it as an opinion. Specifically, you wrote: " Please be clear on what I wrote 
 this topic title is defamatory rubbish."
    b. Do you know better? Yes, in the sense that you were informed that “questions” and “when expressed as opinion” are not defamation.
    c. The OP is using a presumably anonymous pseudonym it is probably not defamation since it must cause actual harm.

Thinking back, I probably should just have reported you.

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Free legal advice: Always frame defamatory rubbish as a question.

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Or use preperatory phrases such as “I think 
” or “In my opinion 

In my case, I may use parody or humor. (i.e. Did Bing Crosby’s horse ever come in??

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Your whole complaint is based on a quote taken out of context.

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No, it’s not. In fact I’ve quoted before and will quote now exactly irvinewade’s clarification of what he means:

I’ve discussed that claim with him before and cited US court opinions. The topic title is a question. In the US a question or a clearly stated opinion is not defamatory, yet he persists with that label when he knows it is not appropriate.

This is the original quote. -I- take that as the original intent, it seems you don’t. 
and I suppose that’s all to be said about that.

People, come on. It’s just a title. I guess there is something more important to discuss here and who ever wins that dispute will win nothing.


Whether it’s that quote or his clarification (which ought to be better) it doesn’t matter. Under no circumstances is the topic title defamatory rubbish. And he knows that because we had already discussed this months ago: https://forums.puri.sm/t/so-why-are-you-still-here/19611 . IMO irvinewade’s recent post was only to troll the OP and is against forum rules. That’s the full context.

@dcz This thread seems like Round Table material.


Free legal advice: Get legal advice from someone who is qualified to give it. :wink:

And yet the OP has declined the opportunity to change the title, thereby tacitly endorsing his own title.


And since people seem to still be unclear in regard to defamation: If something is expressed as a question or is a clearly expressed opinion, it’s not defamatory in the eyes of the US judicial system. i.e. We are still allowed to ask questions and have opinions on things that others might disagree with.

What is surprising is the number of people on this forum who can’t
distinguish questions from assertions or who think that other people shouldn’t
be allowed to express their opinions or viewpoints without being subject to defamation
penalties. Or, from a US perspective, is it possible that people only like their own 1st amendment rights, but get upset when others use their 1st amendment rights???

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I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death my right to cancel you :smile:

It’s been over 10 weeks since they got my phone and still no information from Purism regarding refunds :confused: I wonder how many people are impacted by this unprofessional way of doing business


Hi Janek, in my case I have been waiting now since August 2022. I heard that there are more than a thousand such cases. I chased Purism so many times and they do not reply with a firm date. They kept buffing me off giving me a date some 4-5 months in the future and now they just disappeared on me. I do not understand some of the trolls here in the forum trying to de-legitimise our concern. It is pretty simple, we just want our refund and that’s it.


What are you doing in this forum? To delegitimise our claim for a refund? Some waiting for it since years and my own refund is coming close to a year. Ridicolous your behaviour here. Would have loved for your energy to be used to get Purism paying us the refund they promised they would do.

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Nope. To delegitimise your claim that Purism is going insolvent.

It is not a claim. It is a reasonable question to ask if debts owed are not paid.


And yet: https://forums.puri.sm/t/so-why-are-you-still-here/19611

Linking to a thread that @ShimmeringLight has never posted in doesn’t really support your asserion that they are making an a claim instead of asking a question as they are asserting. What other people on the forum say isn’t representative of what they’re saying.