Has someone succesfully installed Ratbagd + piper?

I am not a gamer but i have a gamer mouse and want to get all the other buttons to work as well.

So i have installed radtbagd

# sudo apt-get update

# sudo apt-get install ratbagd

And then piper from software center.

but when i start piper it says: “cannot find any devices” while the game mouse is already connected.

i am not sure what to do now

Edit: i see now that ratbag support only a small number devices.
i am using a “Battletron gaming” mouse.

is there a better alternative for ratbagd/piper?

Not sure is your device will be supported by any software, you csn try to add it to libratbag https://github.com/libratbag/libratbag#adding-devices-to-libratbag