Has Store shut down?

The only thing related to additional software is in Activities > “Software” but limited to “add-ons”, non-alphabetical order, minimal info.
Someone suggested in a similar post to reinstall a specific version of Pure. Can’t do that. I should say installer I’ve tried doen’t work.

Is there a place online elsewhere that we can get programs from?-- without ‘Git’? Something simple like M$ does.

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PureOS Store is working fine.

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Thanks. I guess someone borrowed my Store icon. All I have are add-ons. Both on phone and desktop. Something I said? :joy:

Ooops! By store, do you mean Puri.sm place to buy Puri, hardware, or the software err store is? I can easily find the both Puri’s hardware pages, it’s the place where we can install software from that I miss, or are the Add-ons the new place/name of things to install?

And, as far as add-ons go,

Unable to download updates from “extensions.gnome.org”:
failed to download https://extensions.gnome.org/static/extensions.json:
Cannot resolve hostname

Know a good exorcist that does phones? Too bad the L5 phone isn’t flashable. new word :slight_smile:

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For whatever reason, the Pure OS Store app is not starting for me today. I don’t really care as this app has historically been flakey on all Linux distros, although it works great on the last few versions of Linux Mint (I think it is called Software Manager there).

I just did a “sudo apt update”, then “sudo apt full-upgrade” and got a new Firefox ESR, so I know the repo is up.

If you want to browse and install apps, Flathub is pretty good.