Having an occasional issue where the “Headphones - Built-in Audio device” device is missing from the the sound control panel Output Device drop-down menu after the system wakes from suspend.
I do have a Jabra EVOLVE Link MS headset plugged in via USB which is available and working.
The workaround is to unplug the Jabra USB headset connector, whereupon “Headphones - Built-in Audio device” immediately reappears and starts working.
Is anyone dealing with this issue and have you found a fix?
Reproducing with Byzantium is not going to be practical because I’d have to reinstall PureOS 10 from scratch on the mini.
I did some more thinking about this and noted that the headset is not connected directly to the mini, it’s connected via a monitor USB hub. Going to try and reproduce with USB headset connected directly to the computer.
I currently have restricted boot enabled so I think I’m going to have to go through the song and dance of disabling and re-enabling that feature to complete testing.