Hello? Can you hear me? and other frustrations

I only see 2 pins, so it does not communicate with the chip on the battery or monitor its temperature.

There are multiple Kastor chargers on amazon and it is difficult to tell which one you have. Would you mind sharing the ASIN for it? (As far as I know, no one else has mentioned another charger that works with a Librem 5 battery.)

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You can send your Librem 5 to Purism, then they can send it back with extra batteries to satisfy IATA requirements.

Preferably sent to Purism with the battery removed so that one battery could be included inside and one stuffed into the box. It’s just a workaround though. Hopefully one day the actual problem gets solved.


OK - I am impressed with the number and quality of responses. I needed to use my phone and had left the SIM in the S10 until last night when I determined I would throw it back in the L5 and see if I can try some of the suggestions.

The Phone still didn’t work with the mic and there were updates to apply. I applied the updates and not the phone will not boot, it lets me enter the decryption pass phrase, then get stuck in a loop where the screen is grey for a while, goes dark, the grey again for a while.

I was looking for instructions on doing a “Factory Reset” but had no joy finding instructions.

Would that be my next step to try or is there something else I can try there?

I am keen to get that SIM out of the SA10 again…

Please and thanks

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There is no “factory reset” as such. You’ll have to reinstall the OS, aka “reflash” it. This will wipe everything from your device and make a fresh install.

Instructions, courtesy of @FranklyFlawless : Librem 5 out of memory on Boot partition - #26 by FranklyFlawless

If you’re not running a recent GNU/Linux Debian derivative on your computer, you’ll also need to make a bootable/live USB of one of those, boot into it on your computer, then complete the process of reflashing. (It won’t require actually installing anything on your computer, if you’re using the live USB.)

If you are running a Linux distro already, see if the package uuu is available in the repository, with sudo apt install uuu. If it works, then you can proceed. If not, then the live USB is probably the way to go, even if you’re already running a Linux distro.

Presumably, you tried rebooting and that didn’t correct it?
And the battery had adequate charge?


Thanks for this.

Indeed. Now you mention it, I had noticed at boot messages that /boot was running out of space. On my Ubuntu boxes I use apt autoremove - maybe I should have tried that on the L5, but now I can’t get to shell.

Thank you for that link, I’ll try it tonight.

Most appreciated.

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Keep us informed in this thread if you require any technical support.