Help with Grub/Coreboot?

I’m having problems booting 1- a live Debian Buster 10 USB memory stick that I have installed, and 2- also booting a Debian Buster 10 install onto a USB 1T hard drive.

In both installs I elected to put Grub in the first partition, which I have done for years on all of my many many installs of Debian. I have found this method to give me less problems with Grub than to install Grub in the MBR, zilch problems is more like it.

There’s a small hitch here, and that is… I’m doing these installs using my Librem 13"laptop, which is using Coreboot instead of Grub. I do not know much about Coreboot, therefore all the more reason to not put Grub in the MBR, in fear I may not be able to boot the Purism system after words.

Furthermore, I use and need the USB devices mostly for hobbies, storing documents and backups. I’m hoping there is a simple solution to my problems and I appreciate any help with a big thanks in advance!

First time for everything, first forum I’ve belonged to and asking for help turns out to be a waste of time!>?

Well you are mixing stuff.

There’s a small hitch here, and that is… I’m doing these installs using my Librem 13"laptop, which is using Coreboot instead of Grub. I do not know much about Coreboot, therefore all the more reason to not put Grub in the MBR, in fear I may not be able to boot the Purism system after words.

GRUB is bootloader
Coreboot is BIOS

boot sequence is: system initialise BIOS,
Bios loads boot loader (base on boot order)
Bootloader boots system.

Well coreboot boot have no difference from legacy bios.
so partition schema:
MBR , or GPT with legacy bios compatibility mode
then install grub in mbr , or boot recored of 1st partition (/boot) (in that case make sure in fdisk that partition is set to active boot)
then go coreboot and alter boot order ,and set it to disk that you actually isntalled. and it will just boot.

With PureBoot case is slightly different.

i suspect you didn’t altered boot order in coreboot.