Host-meta.json on

Hello, Nextcloud Social App developer here; someone opened a ticket about supporting host-meta; taking as an example:

I started working on the feature, implementing a request on .well-known/host-meta, and got XML/XRD when requesting host-meta.
Then wanted to get Json directly, so I don’t have to parse any xml. But I got a 406 Error Code when requesting host-meta.json:

$ curl -H “Accept: application/jrd+json” -L
{“status”:406,“error”:“Not Acceptable”}

Have you implemented it ? Am I doing something bad, or is your result not fully compliant with RFC-6415 ?

The client MAY request a JRD representation using the HTTP "Accept"
   request header field with a value of "application/json".  The server
   MUST include the HTTP "Content-Type" response header field with a
   value of "application/json".  Any other "Content-Type" value (or lack
   thereof) indicates that the server does not support the JRD format.

   Alternatively, the client MAY request a JRD representation by
   requesting the "host-meta.json" well-known document, by making a GET
   request for "/.well-known/host-meta.json", following the same process
   used for "/.well-known/host-meta".  If the server does not support
   serving a JRD representation at this location, the server MUST
   respond with an HTTP 404 (Not Found) status code.



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@Cult Thanks for reporting this we will take this to the developers.

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