How Do I Disable Auto Updates/Grades?

Issue # 1:
When I turn on *PuerOS [box] desktop, too often ‘desktop’ upgrades start without warning.

Issue # 2:
[Too, once it is done, and rebooted in to PureOS, there is notice at top of screen that doesn’t last long enough to get a cursor and click on it.

Other than that, I have been using PureOS without a hitch now for a long time.

N i c e :+1:
Edited to change make it more clear.

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As in without a LUKS and/or user account password prompt?

If you click the top toolbar where the time is, a dropdown menu will display where you can see notification banners you may have missed, including from previous active sessions.

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If you go into the PureOS Store preferences, what is the status of the automatic update switch?

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I boot the Pure desktop, and put a password in to get past encryption(?) then I get another screen to login to desktop with.

The pic shows what happened when I clicked on that:

:warning: I moved this issue (#2) in to it’s own New Topic. When done that, I’ll come back and provide a link.

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That application is called Software, not PuerOS box:

Here are solutions to each issue:

  1. Open GNOME Tweaks → Startup Applications, then remove Software from the list.
    • If you are referring to disabling automatic updates, open Software → Hamburger Menu, then toggle Automatic Updates off.
  2. Here is a screenshot:

I think that @Sharon is meaning the computer, not the software center


It is not very clear what the first issue is.

I have edited the 1st ‘issue’ for clarity and dismissed the 2nd issue that of the pop-down that pops back up too fast to see what it was.
Here is copy

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:+1: Thanks @FranklyFlawless I saw “Software” but misjudged it’s task. I’ll have to try looking around harder next time. Marked solved.

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