How do I install Zotero?

I would like to install the Zotero research tool in PureOS and use it in the PureBrowser. How is this done?

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I checked out out the instructions on their website here.

You can download Zotero, which will come as a .tar.bz2 archive. You can just double click this archive once it’s downloaded to extract it with Archive Manager. In my case, I usually create an “Applications” folder in my home directory for stuff like this, so I extracted it into the Applications older.

The downloaded archive comes with a .desktop file for easy launching through the usual GNOME launcher. To make use of it, I ran the following command in Tilix:

ln -s ~/Applications/Zotero_linux-x86_64/zotero.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/

This command links the provided .desktop file to the default user location so that it can be detected as an installed program. I additionally had to double click the provided zotero.desktop file, which showed a prompt asking whether it was trusted. You’ll have to mark it as trusted before it will actually run.

With all that said, I can’t guarantee you’ll be able to use it in PureBrowser. PureBrowser is based on Firefox, so you can try the Firefox connector to see if it works, but otherwise you’ll need to use Firefox or Chrome.

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Thank you for your help!

I had examined the web page you link in your description, but I was not able to implement them successfully. Your explanation helped enormously, especially the command line entry to make it more available. I also had to double click the zotero.desktop file and give it permission to run.

I downloaded the Zotero connector for FireFox and it seems to be working in PureBrowser just fine.

Thanks again for your prompt assistance!

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I’m glad that things seem to be working. Happy to help!

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