How Do I Uninstall What I Can't see?

  1. List item When I tried to take a picture, I noticed Rec on a button. I tried it and took a video (MP4) which is stored in Videos folder.

  2. List item I tapped on the video and got a screen saying:
    There is no application installed for “MPEG-4 video files”.

  3. List item I looked though List of Apps that fit and function well and installed “Videos” (it doesn’t function - not even “well”.

  4. List item I clicked uninstall and it went looking for something to be able to uninstall it. I let that run for 35 minutes. IMO, that was sufficient time and since I wasn’t allowed to cancel or stop it, I showed it the door. Ergo, I shut it off.

  5. List item The app or file, or software, or whatever, isn’t showing on the L5 main screen. It also didn’t assist when tapping on a MP4 file.

Am I left with a lot of junk not uninstalled ergo left behind after trying to uninstall it?

Too, if it’s not too hard, I’d like to Uninstall whatever runs with the Camera that records video and get rid of the “Rec” icon.
No sense clogging up the sim with things that don’t work.


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I agree, this is a bit of confusing naming, having different package name and app name. From the “List of Apps that fit and function well”, is says “Videos (aka Totem)”, meaning the real name of the app is (probably) totem that you wish to uninstall if it’s still there.

Still need an app fro videos? There’s always vlc, although the GUI is not optimized for small touchscreen.

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In the Software app, it’s called GNOME Videos. Installing or uninstalling by terminal command uses the package name: totem.

It works just fine for me, but it does require scaling down to fit (via the standalone Mobile Settings app). I just created an mp4 video from the camera app, and opened it in Videos, which played it as expected.

But you can get rid of it with sudo apt purge totem, I imagine.

VLC and mpv work as well. From the Videos folder, select “Open with…” to choose the application you want to use to play it.

(VLC throws up a dialog and checkbox that you have to swipe away to continue. Sometimes.)

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It may be possible with a little coding or settings magic, but I certainly don’t know how.

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My bad. I confused myself.

1 - I clicked on the Rec button and saved it to the Video folder.

2 - Using “Files” I went to the video folder and opened the video and got the response "There is no application installed for “MPEG-4 video files” It has a option to “Search in software” that when clicked took me to nowhere with a spinning orb.

3 - Somehow I ended up at installing “Videos” from Apps/Videos - GNOME Wiki!

I see Amarok has just chimed in with a idea too.
Thanks JR-FI


Yes, that’s a flatpak version of the original native (Debian/PureOS) app. The original is in the store, or available to install via the terminal.

Flatpaks and native apps sometimes behave (or malfunction) differently from each other.

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That took it out. It also said there are 3 files no longer needed so auto removed them.

Tried Android version from the 4 places VLC shows to get it. All 4 wanted my rights to privacy. All of them said “Free” or “Free download”.

I’ll have to wait until the people at VLC find a safe place to dload/install from.

I can take video with the L5, using Warp, send to my desktop and view them there. Stone age - just tried and that works.

Now to see if I can receive video that comes through Chat on L5.

Oh the pains of being a newbie :rofl:

Thanks Amarok


Do you actually have Waydroid installed on your L5 (which enables running some Android apps)? Or did you install VLC on an Android phone?

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I like mpv and livi
sudo apt install mpv
flatpak install org.sigxcpu.livi

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The manual didn’t say I’d have to do any of this. So I see, read, I follow instructions and even they didn’t indicate I needed to install a program so I could install a program,. So, no. Have no idea what a waydroid is, and don’t care, I just want something to work on this without all the tweaking and twonking.
I have the L5 and would never buy another phone.