How-to: Activate night light aka redshift for Librem

Just tried getting the red-light-correction to work as it’s one of the main gimmicks of my Kobo Aura One ebook-reader and pretty helpful for the late evenings.

To have your display automatically corrected from blueish to redish lights in the evening,

  • open System Settings / Einstellungen
  • go to Devices - Screens / Bildschirme
  • activate Night light

Furthermore the extension “Night light slider” can come in handy.


Thanks! I was trying to get redshift to work from the terminal but it wasn’t changing the color despite it printing the temperatures to stdout. I didn’t realize the feature is built-in.

Was trying to get redshift working, too, when i stumbled over the info that Gnome’s providing that functionality out of the box. As i stumbled over it by coincidence, i thought it might skip some steps for others if i let them know… :wink:

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