How to install Element?

Does anyone know if it’s possible to install Element on the Librem 5?
I tired, and even did all that fancy code entering that’s on element’s website (I think adding a repository or something), and I still couldn’t install it.

Any ideas?

You can use chatty for matrix, if that’s what you want.


You could potentially make a webapp out of there official website using the Web Gnome app maker.

Not sure how effective it is considering the calls and facetime features though

I use Nheko for Matrix chat on my Librem 5. The UI is (mostly) well-adapted to the small screen.


Have you tried to make voip calls with nheko? I set up my own Matrix server. I can make calls with element but nheko crashes.

I installed element. Went to their website, followed the Debian/Ubuntu instructions. seemed to work

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this has me puzzled…there has never been a arm64 version of element as far as I knew, and I check… a sure enough… the arm64 was there and I never heard they released it… WOO HOO!!

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Yes, it works surprisingly good. There is one Problem: The desktop layout of element is very unhandy on a small screen. The bar with contacts is always open, the chat area is so small, that you can’t even see any message. Yo need to rotate the phone, then it is possible but uncomfortable.

I think, Element is a javascript app, which uses the same code base for android, where a mobile friendly layout exists. Making it possible to use this mobile layout from the android app in the desktop version on pureOS could be an easy but effective step to use matrix on pureOS.

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Look here. If you don’t want to read the long text → I wrote below a shorter post with the most relevant information.

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I use Fractal from for Matrix, it works well on the mobile form factor, though there are no voice/video calls.


Thanks! I just tried Fractal now, seems to work well.