How to install Veracrypt in PureOS 9.0?

Hi, im trying to install Vera on PureOs and im not sure what option to choose when downloading it.

On the Veracrypt website we find many download options:

I assume it’s one of the two Debian ones? but which one? There’s Debian 9 and Debian 10. Is it Debian 9? Im saying because PureOS 9.0 maybe the 9 is because of Debian 9.

And what is the difference from using the generic installer to specifically choosing the Debian ones?


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I’d recommend building it from source, then you don’t need to worry about which Debian package might work.

Building from source seems easy, just download the tarball, unpack it, go inside the “src” directory and run the “make” command there. The veracrypt executable then ends up in the Main directory.

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I have found the Debian 9 package to work just fine. Give it a try! If it doesn’t work, it will error out and you will know to try the other one.

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Hi! I was having the same question and I found a solution:

1. I read the contents of /etc/debian_version

user@PC:~$ cat /etc/debian_version 

2. I checked the Debian release number

I went to Debian Releases and I found that “buster” = Debian 10.

3. I downloaded Veracrypt for Debian 10

I went to VeraCypt Downloads and I downloaded the Debian 10 prebuilt package.

4. I installed the .deb file

I opened it with “Software Install” and clicked on Install.

And done! Veracrypt is working fine :slightly_smiling_face:

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