How to replace battery connector?

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if anyone has ideas on how to fix/replace the battery connector? I broke off two pins when not being careful enough, upon detaching a failed battery for replacement.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Have a good one!


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Contact Purism support:

Thanks Frankly. I have a request in with them, but hey - its Sunday. I’ll post the outcome, but in the meantime any comments on this would be interesting at the least!

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Does it work OK when connected to mains and without a battery at all? (as an interim arrangement)

External powerbank? (as an interim arrangement)

I understand neither of us has answered the question as asked.

I guess a photo could be helpful if you want any hardware gurus to comment.

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Yup, it certainly still works on battery albiet loses time when shutdown. The two leads affected are black wires, so I’m assuming I have 2 out of 4 cells working right now. I admit though I don’t have much info on the design of those batteries and thus why its loosing time…

I might just test things with the external battery bank from purism which I have two of. Let you know what I observe. Thanks for the comments!


Udpate: Well, I’ve had a case created since this weekend - no reply. I would follow up, but it appears that all email sent to goes to a process that creates a ticket. My request for status was turned into a ticket lol. Anyone know the address to follow up on case status???!!!

Anyway, I’m not holding my breath for this one and will update with their answers when they respond to me.


@JCS probably knows.

Support response times at the moment are higher than Purism would like (and that customers would like). If you had a working interface to get a status update, I would guess that the update is that nothing has happened yet.

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After a little bit of back n forth here are the details from support:

  • $400 for motherboard replacement. No remedy in replacing connector alone.
  • $60 fee for Purism repair fee to replace the board for me

Since this is probably going to be a backup laptop to the new Librem 16 I’ll aquire, I went another route:

  • Cut corresponding leads to battery, as to pins broken
  • Cut plug, removing broken leads
  • Solder leads to board
  • Cover with hot glue

A real bush fix, but can’t really afford to replace it in lieu of this being a backup laptop. I’d rather invest in the main when its available for purchase!

Thanks everyone for your comments. I hope the knowledge helps others be suuuuuuupppppppeeeeerrrrr careful when replacing the battery on a laptop. I was not smart enough to notice the fragility of the situation!!!

Have a good one!
