How to update latest pipewire version in Byzantium

I installed EasyEffects from flatpak. When I ran it, I received an error message saying my version of pipewire was too old (3.19.?) and it needed to be something like 3.40.?

When I went to the pipewire GitHub to install pipewire (which I expected would update it) I coudln’t install it as there was some dependency that I could also not install. Here is the GitHub page:

I removed it and went back to PulseEffects. I wonder if it might have something to do with my session being X11? I have to use X11 in order to share my zoom screen.

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I thought pipewire was the only supported way to share a screen in wayland. Not sure if it interacts with X11.

Apparently removing the ability to capture the screen was deliberate design decision of wayland to improve security.


I thought the point of flatpak was to be distro independent and include the appropriate versions of the dependencies if they weren’t already installed. If so, that’s a bad/incomplete flatpak .

In regard to getting a newer version of pipewire: One generally should not override a distro’s version of an integrated utility like pipewire – it makes the distro more fragile (FrankenDebian DontBreakDebian - Debian Wiki ). It’s almost the whole point of PPA’s on Ubuntu.

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This usually happens when Debian stable’s version of a package is too old. You can mix and match stable with other branches of Debian but I don’t recommend it. You’re better off migrating to Debian testing (not as unstable as it sounds) to get the newer packages, since what you’re after requires something considerably newer than what stable is offering you. There are guides out there on how to switch Debian to the testing branch. You may lose official Purism support in doing so, however, since PureOS is based on Debian stable and they may not be able to give exact advice for any further issues you encounter.

I ran into similar issues when trying to use things that need to update with website APIs like yt-dlp and obs-studio related things. I’m on Gentoo now, but that was a calculated response that I was ready for and it’s not for people who just want newer packages. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I found a workaround for enabling screen sharing for webapps like Jitsi Meet in PureOS Crimson.

Log out and then select ‘Gnome X11’ via the little gear icon in the lower right of Gnome Display Manager’s login screen.

Or add WaylandEnable=false in the [daemon] section /etc/gdm3/custom.conf

Hat tip to this AskUbuntu post