I want Librem 5 to resemble iOS!

And they will get lucky! Looking more like iOS…that’s the elementaryOS folks shtick! Why not on a mobile platform ! :slight_smile: They’ll do it (or at least look into it) not just for @Nami but mostly because that’s what they want to do to begin with :smiley:

We aren’t at all saying your voice doesn’t matter, if you had no voice you would recieve no answer. It sucks that the answer’s probably not (for now), but such is life.

Besides, you can use a variety of OS on the Librem 5, or somebody else may share your preferences and be willing to do the legwork.


i believe in the power of crowdfunding free-hw/sw on the GNU/Linux platform … the part that sucks is that not many people know about it or are interested … because M$ is inoculated from an early age and taught as a SOLE solution in school …


Besides the fact that the OP here closely resembles a troll to me… yeah Purism could offer a theme like that if they want to get sued by a scumbag company for “stealing” their design. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It’d be a disgraceful and insulting design choice anyway… leave the dumbed down kids toy designs for the intellectually lazy, thanks. :rofl: (And that includes Android almost as much, too…)


Don’t I know it ! :frowning: I had to get a certificate saying I was a “microsoft certified office specialist” to graduate college :frowning: I protested unsuccessfully and then took a Knoppix CD to class and played frozen bubble :slight_smile: But y’know, can there really be liberation without oppression to begin with ?


i guess we’ll find out sooner or later …


It wasn’t a trolling, it was the expression of an opinion about a desired look for the phone’s interface. To read anymore into it is to inject your own opinion and/or bias, which then leads you to do something like heedlessly insult one(s) who don’t agree with you.

I prefer something new myself, because it will emphasize the “this is not android nor apple” point. But I wouldn’t ask for a refund if they used what has clearly been demonstrated to work.

It’s easy to compare and follow the path others have.

People always seem to have a dichotomy view. Left v Right, Mac v Windows, Us v Them, Supporters v Haters. As this thread was framed in that view, that’s the answers given. It would be best to reframe the question to find the inside or enquiry you want.

The idea ‘just do it yourself’ is a very privileged and lazy argument. Most people don’t have the time to spend learning to code, analysing the code base, and implementing the solution. For FREE. That’s the amazing thing about open source, even though people have so many pressures they still volunteer for FOSS. :smile::tada: Don’t expect others to do the same.

Doing ad-hoc changes to add new features would follow the path of the status quo, as that is what’s known (I’m guessing the designers and engineers on this project mostly us Android). The roadmap, design, and user market would need to be analysed strongly to create a new path.

I’m not saying this project is ad-hoc. Using the iOS v Android frame, the Librem 5 will be labelled an Android clone. But because it’s not Android it’ll always be seen as inferior. A similar way Elementary is seen as an inferior Mac clone.

Analysing where this project should be headed, part of that is looking at the competition and seeing what we like or don’t like and should it be part of our project.


For @Nami’s sake I hope you are right. They (elementaryOS) will want to wait until all the foundational work is done though, so that “all” they have to do is come along and change the look and feel.

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Yeah that seems to be what they do. I can take it or leave it personally, but I get that a certain “look” is important to some people :slight_smile:

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In all fairness, the gloves I’m supplied at my full time job to pick up used heroin syringes after yelling at junkies to "get the hell off the loading dock now or be arrested under the trespass to property act’’ do have powder in them for my comfort…so… luxury! I am blessed :slight_smile: Thanks for pointing that out.


I’m not attacking you, a number of people have said it and it’s a very common phase. It has the same usefulness has read the F’ing manual. So it’s something we need to stop and we need to respond in a more constructive and inquisitive manner.

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Oh yeah, that is so close to trolling. OMG really?!? I guess I resemble a troll to you now too :wink:

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Well, in the 80’s I remember being told that computers were very important business machines for very important business people… did you mean something like that?

I’m gonna stick with

because it’s true

These are unreasonable parallels. You feel “attacked” based upon situations this person has no knowledge and could have no knowledge about. Further, you’re using those parallels (such as they are) to narrow the scope of what they’re saying to fit this unknowable and personal context that you’ve adopted in order to satisfy your position as the victim of an assumed (despite a statement to the contrary) attack. That is both unfair and unreasonable.


Nya, I don’t feel attacked (they said that, not I)…I’m just pointing out that I’m not a developer, programmer, or studied/work in IT. I’m certainly not privileged as I was accused of being(I gotta spend hours on nullege and stack overflow just like anyone else who doesn’t have the answers/knowledge)

It’s “read the fine manual”. :wink:


i agree about people who CAN innovate but because that is relatively hard to implement - depending on the person and support that person has - it’s ACCEPTABLE to look at working solutions that will not get anybody’s ass sued …

That’s true, you didn’t. I shouldn’t have attributed that to you. It’s good that you didn’t feel attacked, but your responses were… confusing at best. Lashing out at worst.

Yeah, a lot of words were put into my mouth there. Rather than counter them head on I decided to have some fun with it and paint a picture. It was never a parallel. Actually, it was just a recount of my work’day’ (I work security in a commercial building downtown near a lot of hospitals and that attracts a lot of junkies who steal syringes there and then shoot up anywhere close they can…including my loading dock) to illustrate how preposterous it was to say that I was being privileged (intellectual elitist) to say someone could participate and could do something for themselves. As well, what I actually said to OP was:

I get why learned helplessness could be desirable in a user for some companies/people, but I’m the first to tell them they’re not because they truly aren’t (and I think that’s a big part of what Free software is about too :))

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