I'd Like To See A Whitelist In Gnome-Calls

My Software (APP) Wish feature for Gnome-Calls would be a whitelist feature, and any number calling my phone that is not on my whitelist will be ignored, preferably a lot worse but…


Would also need to consider what the desired behaviour is when the Calling Line Id (CLI) is suppressed (hence the end-user device does not have access to the calling number). I would assume that you would want such a call ignored.


Similar conversation (https://forums.puri.sm/t/spam-blocker-for-phosh-to-automatically-hang-up-calls-from-unknown-callers/) and an app that came of it: Chris Talbot / Phosh Anti-Spam · GitLab [the logic how things get blocked is explained there]

(available to install via apt-get install phosh-antispam If I recall)


But there is no whitelist on that screenshot (and seems so for the repository as well). So it needs a feature request that they can implement this.

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From the repo:

By default, if the number calling you is not in your contact list, or you have the contact listed as “Spam”, Phosh Anti-Spam will automatically tell GNOME Calls to hang up on the call.

That would be both, white and black lists (they’re just not named that way).


For me it should be easy. I have only 5 people in Contacts now, and may add max 2 - 3 more - the rest can buy stamps and use them… :crazy_face:
I need to get the Phosh anti-spam a try - been too busy lately but I look forward to even more privacy.


There is a slight danger (or a positive, sure) of walling yourself off so well that no one will be able to contact you for any reason. I started to wonder if it’s possible to have a notification profile connection or timer that would make this more flexible, depending on time of day.

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That depends on your threat model.

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IMO, it’s not a danger, unless someone goes overboard, or tweak things too much - like sawing a bit of a table leg to make it stop wobbling. Eventually, one ends up sitting on the floor.

As expected, a lot of techineze for techs, not phone users.


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Apt installations always require sudo, hence the “permission denied” for just your user level - just so that anyone don’t do anything rash, or haven’t thought it though.


sudo is required.
Some people don’t post with that prefix but in most use cases with apt, it is required


I just figured that out when I looked at the line instead copy-paste.

Still errors though. The error reads

E: Unable to locate package phosh-antispam

Too bad the Store still doesn’t work. At least unavailable is reliable.

So, another day shot to         again.
Can’t get it from FlatPak( I think it was), but clicking the install only took me to the               deceased Pure OS Store.

Does anyone know a way of installing phosh antispam (anti-spam or anti spam) that doesn’t *require any additional downloads like GTK#.# and other problems,

*No one should have to go through all that unless they are hobbyists and have time to waste.

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Sounds like, from the error message, that you don’t have the repo source available where it’s located. And it dawns on me that it’s probably in the byzantium backports, which you may not have enabled for yourself. It may not have been updated to work on the normal byz repository but probably will - some day (or maybe to crimson). It’s a bit of a choice to make, if you want to use the unofficial repo source, if you don’t want to build the app from source. Unfortunate.


The thing that stands out to me is the Drive letter “E:” I don’t have a drive “E”.
WTHeck! 10^ not my preferred expletive right now.

:face_with_spiral_eyes: Is it’s location on a map or something?

:face_with_spiral_eyes: OK, I give up, what the         is a “byzantium backports”?

:face_with_spiral_eyes: what the is a "byz repository?

I don’t know what in blazes a “byzantium backport” is. Just how do you think I would want to build the app. The app is there, the site showed. It didn’t say download the parts and figure it yourself. This is the sort of :poop: that should be in the ads.

Hey - Dev! “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”George Santayana - 1905 work The Life of Reason

I’ve see that proven often times.

This really hurts,
I so hoped that something useful could be installed. This thing is a 180° from the ads.
~ :cry: rrrgggg!

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Well, I suppose I expected that you had noticed the other conversations in the forum where byzantium (byz) backports (in this case shorthand for “additional repository of more updated software that’s not the official PureOS repository where everything else comes from”) were mentioned. It’s a way to keep some stuff current and working since software updates, due to tangled inter-dependencies, get borked every now and then, or just not offering the latest, when time passes, as PureOS version named Byzantium is getting a bit old (as it’s based on Debian 10 - and Debian already having more current versions [hence the other threads for Crimson]). More official explanation here and more here.

Don’t worry, you can always do a web search if a term is unfamiliar - I’ve looked up stuff at least thrise just today that I wasn’t sure of. L5 is… “an adventure” for sure :wink:

Anyways, if you want or dare to add the backports repo as instructed as a source you want/trust/need enough, have a look at the thread from around January. As you can see, things can go wrong too. If you’ve done jumpdrive and/or flashing, I’d say it’s a bit easier, but I’d do first a jumpdrive connection and get a disc partition image (using external linux computer’s Discs app) as a backup, so you’ll always be able to return to exactly the same state you were. Just to be on the safe side (and it’s good practice even if something else went wrong with the phone). If this sounds too daunting, don’t do it, just wait for the official repo (or Crimson) to get updated. Know that there really is an app that you were missing (instead of it remaining just a wish - if that’s any consolation).

I have no idea what “E” is, so we have that in common. Maybe “error”. But that’s not the relevant part of that message.


Yes E: there means Error.


It is true, phosh-antispam not exists in the original Byzantium repo, but it can be easily rebuilt (backported) from Bookworm. Alternatively you can just download the package that I rebuilt by myself here and run this command:

$ sudo apt install ./phosh-antispam_3.0.0-1_arm64.deb

Unfortunately, when I find the definition of a term, it too has unknown terms and/or acronyms that need understanding.

I just tried the PureOS Store again, and it’s of no use. Only front end loads, the subs have nothing to show.

I will peruse the ‘backports’ discussion for a safe software store.

Is the stuff via backports safe? i.e. Meets PureOS approved safe?

I read up on jumpdrive. I read it like it was a process of creating a image file or something. My search points out ‘jumpdrive’ is a USB stick, thumb drive, and other names for the same thing. Something to backup to.

I put my faith in Purim listing trusted software.

Now off to read (uggg)


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Jumpdrive is software. The software is downloaded to your host computer (desktop / laptop) - which needs to be running a suitable distro and version.

You put your phone in serial download mode.

You run Jumpdrive on your host computer.

The effect is that the disk or disks of your phone are exposed as disk or disks on the host computer. Hence you can, for example, mount the phone’s disk on the host computer in order to fix minor configuration problems and you can, for example, do a complete image backup or restore of the phone’s disk to or from a file on the host computer.

Note that this works no matter how badly borked the contents of your phone’s disk are - presuming of course that you made a backup image before the contents became borked. So you could then restore the backup image even though your phone is, for example, unbootable.

I don’t speak for Purism but …

I would suggest: no. Use at own risk.

If you want PureOS-approved then you would have to flash an advance copy of crimson but that comes with instability and immaturity risks. Some things are known not to work yet. Some things are still to be discovered as not working yet.

If you value safety and stability above all other things then you would have to stick to byzantium and be patient until new functionality comes along, whenever that might be.

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OK, but JumpDrive is a registered trakemark of Lexar for their USB flash drives. Hence confusion can easily ensue.

I would presume that most long time L5 owners would understand from context, but…