Censorship stinks.
I wanted to get one goddamn fucking secure notebook, to do proper genetic analysis. Because last time I downloaded Corona from DB, the sample changed on screen.
Vacinnation is created by intelligence, intelligence, how it calls itself, often finds correlations, and being virus free correllates to being sterile.
Don’t take that shit, if you want some future for your genetics.
Chances of dying of Corona in 160year long life is 16% and that’s in case nobody finds vaccinne, people don’t get immunized, and it’s going to be seasonal.
It’s something like closing all the life, because nothing’s happening, but we have some trust in hoaxes like nothing more. Nobody can use numbers like proper tool anymore and … That’s it.
I would rather want to be immunized, because, immunization is process of gaining immunity, and in my definitions, it’s better, than just be injected with weak form of virus, which is just mutated, and not guaranteed to be weaker.
And nobody ever, from public, can look at statistics, how many people died after vaccinnes and how many people died without them.
There’s no study, and no such query on whole bioinformatics as I know it. No statistical toolkit, no format for counting scientific study like that…
Mostly, they pick sub-sample of 10 or so people, handly pick young healthy volunteers, sum it up in excel, and deduce that vacinne is safe.
Then it’s not safer than getting dissease, it’s just they’ve already paid goverment, and took measures to force us to pay money for their vacinne.
It’s like buying anti-virus from microsoft, while hackers got keys to your intel management engine, which by the way I don’t want on anything I want to buy.
Transmission Over.