Incoming calls not getting through

Does anyone else get many calls that can’t get through? I just had somebody trying to ring and couldn’t get through, but they were able to text/SMS me. Phone was probably on power save at this point, but can’t be sure.

Is there some way to check the modem firmware version? I saw there was a thread about updating it helping, but my Librem 5 wasn’t one of the early ones, so was hoping I’d not be affected.


No, but I usually keep my Librem 5 USA in Lockdown Mode.

Yes, execute sudo apt install bm818-tools, then open the app.


… as in “Suspend?” If so, then that’s still considered “experimental.” Does disabling Suspend have an effect on the calls problem?


I tried that, and get issues. It says it can’t install, and to try with --fix-broken. I ran that, and that fails because /boot is nearly full.

To be fair, the phone has been warning me about that every time I powered on and I was just hoping it would go away.

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I would have to test that I suppose.


Recently I have been getting those symptoms on Crimson too, so I interpret it as a call to action to reflash with a new image.

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If are receiving warnings that /boot is nearly full, then that stops apt from installing updates and maybe even packages.

You can follow this guide to see if it helps with /boot, and then try installing bm818-tools again.


Hmm, tried to follow that, but something is wrong. I can’t clear off the oldest kernel.

purism@pureos:~$ uname -r

purism@pureos:~$ sudo dpkg --list | egrep -i --colour ‘linux-image|linux-headers’
ii linux-image-6.1.0-1-librem5 6.1.19pureos1 arm64 Linux 6.1 for the Librem 5 and its devkit
ii linux-image-6.2.0-1-librem5 6.2.13pureos3 arm64 Linux 6.2 for the Librem 5 and its devkit
ii linux-image-6.3.0-1-librem5 6.3.13pureos1~byz1 arm64 Linux 6.3 for the Librem 5 and its devkit
ii linux-image-6.4.0-1-librem5 6.4.16pureos2~byz1 arm64 Linux 6.4 for the Librem 5 and its devkit
iU linux-image-librem5 6.5.13pureos1~byz1 arm64 Linux kernel for the Librem 5 and its devkit

sudo apt-get remove --purge --autoremove linux-image-6.1.0-1-librem5
[sudo] password for purism:
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree… Done
Reading state information… Done
You might want to run ‘apt --fix-broken install’ to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
linux-image-librem5 : Depends: linux-image-6.5.0-1-librem5 (>= 6.5.13pureos1~byz1) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try ‘apt --fix-broken install’ with no packages (or specify a solution).

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Maybe you are stuck in a dependency loop that apt really does not like.

Try out the instructions from this link under the heading “Errors when /boot is full”

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I tried the steps in that last post, and seemingly that cleared /boot enough to install all the pending updates, which is great.

However, that bm818 tool just says “failed to get firmware version” for some reason after all that :frowning:

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I received that same error. For me, it was because of lack of permissions. Specifically, if you are running the tool as user purism then purism will need to be a member of the dialout group.

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I thought the most recent version of bm818-tools was supposed to do that as part of the installation now?

Just in case, @biggaz can follow these instructions to create dialout group and add purismuser to it:


Yes, but I didn’t run the install as user purism, therefore the installation added the “wrong” user to the dialout group. So I had to add it manually.

There are other possibilities, such as: the user installed that tool before the install was semi-fixed.

So the starting point for investigation is output from


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Yup that did it!

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Am I up to date?

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What modem variant? (-A1, -E1, -T1)

You might have to refer your question to Purism Support (as there is no public procedure for updating modem firmware anyway).

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For the time being we only offer BroadMobi BM818 modem. Three variants are available, BM818-A1 (Americas), BM818-E1 (Europe), BM818-T1 (Asia, Australia, New Zealand).

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Being in the UK I suppose that will be the E1 modem then.

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Yes, you are up to date.