Install QubeOS 4.0.1 on new SSD drive?

I’m very happy with my Librem15v3 and i purchased the missing extra drive (nvem m2 ssd) and im thinking on installing qube os in it; hoping i can keep my current grub config and main boot into PureOS.

Is there anyone that has done this and detail any possible issues or if the steps required are straight forward?

Thanks a million

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I plan to do the same after I get my Purism laptop :slight_smile:
So far the steps should be pretty straight forward, i.e.:

Hey @s3ns0r, do you plan to install Qubes on the SSD and keep PureOS in the Sata, yes?

I think this steps should be straightforward :

But not sure about the grub version and the config tweaks.

Keep me posted! I’m still waiting for my SSD too.

If i managed to try it first, i’ll ping you

Cheers man

To be more precise Qubes on NVMe M2 and PureOS on an SSD, so in my case grub would probably have slightly different letters i.e. /dev/nvme0n1p1 insead of /dev/sda1 etc, but once I have them both working with cryptsetup and LUKS on both drives I will post a short tutorial on how to achieve that.

Generally I prefer to have PureOS as HVM, a way to enjoy both projects at the same time. However the native
PureOS will probably be needed for a while, since I plan to experiment with PureBoot and Heads as well.

Cool @s3ns0r. Looking forward to it! Keep us posted

have you managed to install both OS on separate disk?


did the dual booting option worked for you?I would like to do the same, leave pureOS on the main disk and instal qubes on the second SSD. It would help if you could share your experience with it.