I make the suggestion that all topics in the General / Introductions subcategory include the person’s name in the forum in the topic title. So rather than have 100 topics in that subcategory entitled “Introducing me” we have a palette of introductions to choose from and read.
As there are currently only two introductions, now would be the time to disagree / agree with this suggestion.
Is the idea behind these introductions topics that anyone is allowed to introduce themselves or at least their Purism login identity? Or is it mainly intended for the coolest and most important users?
Perhaps @JCS could clarify that in the subcategory description post - and also make sure that restrictions imposed by the forum software, if any, are consistent with that.
If the intention is that new users introduce themselves then maybe some kind of “induction” / “welcome” message can steer the new user in the right direction.
As self-described? As determined objectively? As voted by peers? As nominated by Purism?