Is it possible to use Android apps on the Librem 5?

I assume you will be able to use BankID in Browser, just like on any Linux machine.

This will be excellent should the kinks be worked out and some tighter integration possible without terminal-fu going on.

Lets hope this gets some steam because I think the ability to run android apps sandboxed and isolated will be an easy way to sell the phone to people who are not seriously tech inclined.

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I think what we really need is a sort of ā€˜reverse kivy buildozerā€™. Until then (probably day 2ā€¦please,please nice forum peoples who program/develop and actually know what theyā€™re doing :slightly_smiling_face:) I expect dex2jar(apache 2.0) should be of use to people who know java. I donā€™t know java (I donā€™t know python either but I can kinda understand whatā€™s going on in 2.7 and on occasion ā€˜make goā€™) so Iā€™m looking for some sort of reverse pygame or something now.

Making it all ( installation etc ) a bit more user friendly will not be difficult and users might just use F-Droid to install apps.

Basically it all comes down to how well anbox performs on the actual hardware as running it on my Meizu MX4 ( ubuntu touch ) its basically unusable slow and I donā€™t own a devkit so cant comment on that.

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If you have a Raspberry Pi 3B, you could try it out on there. Itā€™s a very close match in terms of CPU, but with less RAM and a slower graphics chip.

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But BankID will not work on Linux. If I try to install it I just get the list of platforms (Windows and IOS) which does not include Linux.

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The idea of developing and installing Anbox by default on Librem 5 to support Android app installation = will make purchase orders very high.

At first, no one will abandon Android apps until they see an alternative to them on Linux and spread among all people like WhatsApp.

Here comes the important role of Anbox, as well as the role of protection from penetration because it is a sandbox prevents the penetrator access to the files of the device and operating system !

Think about it a lot , itā€™s important.

ā˜ž The most beautiful explanation of the program Anbox :

The emulator image is x86_64 and not ARM64 architecture I think.

Instead of downloading any apk, just download the fdroid apk (from f-droid_org) to access FOSS apps, and the play store apps via Yalp or Aurora

However, if one can install snapd, then one can also install snap apps via, is that correct?

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It is but Anbox already runs on ARM ( e.g. ubuntu touch devices )

It looks like a POC.
I havenā€™t seen anyone use it on a daily basis.

Well basically anything GNU/Linux and mobile is a pocā€¦ Anbox for me is good enough to run some apps that are only available on Android or IOSā€¦

Absolutly not.
Do you realy believe that most of the Internet, industries and scientific lab rely on POC for their vital operations?

Anbox project doesnā€™t officilly support arm architecture and even on x86, itā€™s far to be easy to use.

I think you missed the ā€˜mobileā€™ in this answerā€¦ As a longtime developer with a lot of linux experience I agree that its not the case on non-mobile related areas, but sadly most ( if not every ) attempt for a fully gnu/linux mobile OS has failed. Thats why iā€™m hoping that this will succeed and am happy to see that, instead of going the Canonical-route with Ubuntu Touch, Purism has opted to actually contribute to making gnome more mobile friendly as that will have much more sustained impact on any future attempts.


Only for GUI.
Linux kernel is used on billions phones.

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GNU/Linuxā€¦ where did i mention that the linux kernel by itself wasnt a success? Perhaps you just want to somehow make a non valid point or is it really that hard to read?

There are also hundreds of GNU libraries and software that come with the kernel on Android smartphones.
Not to mention Ubports/ Ubuntu Touch and others.

Itā€™s been a long time since the POC stage was passed on smartphones.

Nothing to do with Anbox arm which is an hack and not something that can be used by everyone on a daily basis.

I guess you donā€™t know the difference between a kernel and userlandā€¦ The linux kernel does not come with hundreds of GNU libraries and software. And just like me saying ā€œstaying aliveā€ doesnt make me a Beatle it also doesnā€™t make Android using GNU libaries and tools a GNU/Linux distro ( perhaps you should read )

Besides that you mention Ubuntu Touch/Ubportsā€¦ As a day one owner of a Ubuntu Touch phone ( and having used it as a daily phone for around 6 months ) I would really like someone to convince me that using it does not feel like a POCā€¦

The fact that the Anbox project itself does not directly support ARM builds doesnā€™t make it a hack. If something isnā€™t working just contribute instead of complaining about it.

Thatā€™s all I have to say about this as iā€™m wasting my timeā€¦ luckily in your alternative dimension GNU/Linux on mobile is a success. Iā€™ll just keep hoping that all the work done by purism will actually make it more mainstream in my universe.


You say that, but the much beloved Nokia N900 ran full Linux back in 2009 (Maemo, I believe it was called). The Internet is full of speculation as to how the phone world might have gone had they not swallowed the Microsoft poison and stayed alive to provide a third option (well, 4th option at this point - Blackberry was still very much a thing back then).


What about SailfishOS? Is it true that it could be seen as a commercial failure, but itā€™s a full fledge GNU/Linux with a wonderful UI, and on the Jolla phone it was really a pleasure to use. I used it as a daily driver for 3 years, and I almost cried when I went back to the an-bloody-droid, that I am still using, waiting for the Librem 5.
Unfortunately Jolla had quite big issues as a company, and that led to have many fundamental parts of the OS left behind. What a pity!!

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