Keeping Byzantium Up to Date on L5

I have two Librem 5s.

On both of them, I was using the commands

sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade

As a means to try to keep the software up to date with the latest version of Byzantium. I have recently run these two commands on both devices.

For reference, on both Librem 5’s, when I do

cat /etc/apt/sources.list

… then the result appears to be the same:

deb byzantium main
deb byzantium-updates main
deb byzantium-security main

However, after checking all of this, if I open up the Gnome Web application and go to About Web, the newer Librem 5 is listing Powered by WebKitGTK 2.44.1 whereas the older Librem 5 is listing Powered by WebKitGTK 2.42.5.

What gives? How best should I keep these up to date? I have actually never flashed either eMMC and basically just used them as they came after changing the passwords/pins.


I not using my L5 till Crimson, however i have known about that behavior before and i have not had to investigate it, however you may start troubleshooting by comparing both sources.list devices to see what going on.

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Actually I think this one might be my fault. I’m not really sure how to check, but I think at one point before I realized that Signal app was a CIA-funded type of thing like with something wrong with it, I was trying to compile and run Axolotl for Signal. And Signal was fighting back really hard, you know, trying to make it so Axolotl would have trouble working, so I decided to try to compile latest Axolotl myself. But the libraries on Byzantium were out of date so I compiled it on a early-crimson “latest” staging build that I had on a dual boot. But when I copied the binary over it didn’t work, and I started mucking about in the system copying some .so files from the staging build into the eMMC in the hopes it would cause it to work past shared library errors. Since Axolotl was trying to use Electron-style idea of doing a web browser as the GUI for a program, it probably motivated me to copy over something related to WebGTK.

I don’t recall this for certain and it might be quite difficult to verify, but the above is one hypothesis for the cause of the problem. I just figured I would put it out there. That way if somebody sees this post, even if my problem is not solved, they will know not to expect this problem on their own Librem 5.

What’s a way I could check for this, such as for the presence of stray, irrelevant shared libraries copied into system folders that aren’t a part of any installation managed by apt?


grep -rn Axolotl /

Please check source.list on both devices to see differences.

dd if=/etc/apt/sources.list

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I used cat /etc/apt/sources.list on both devices and in both cases the output was the same. It matched the example in my original post, in both cases.

I powered off the old device for now since it is insecure, but I imagine that a recursive grep for Axolotl would indeed find things. There’s a desktop entry for it that shows on the home screen.


From the sounds of it, it might be time to do your first flash!

dpkg -S

for every .so file that you can find.

However I would probably just diff some ls -l output from each phone.

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sudo rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/repo*

and then retry with:

sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade