L11: firefox sometimes collapses to a small window

Sometimes, when touching the FF window, it collapses to a very small one, see picture, and it’s difficult to hit its border with the finger and draw it to a normal size again. Any idea how to avoid this resizing?

No, but you can maximize the window with Super + Up. Use Alt + Tab to cycle through applications.

You can use the keyboard shortcuts found here for a more comfortable experience.

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Also, if you end up with multiple wacky window sizes for stuff on your L11 like this, you can just toggle the “docked” setting in the notification shade to have all your windows maximized.

well, i have exactly the same problem, i never managed to resize any window with my fingers or the pen… all i get is random resizes or triggers of strange features that end with the windows either in full screen or in a unusable tiny size…

somehow the gnome shortcuts (alt-F8 then arrows) unfortunately yield nothing… (that would really really be helpful)

also moving the windows, either my fingers are way too thick, or this is buggy too, i never manage to get them to the right place, there too , if it was possible to use alt-F7 and then move the window around, i could get to the interesting parts?

in maximized window, well, lots of apps are opened using the whole screen, forgetting that the upper and lowermost lines are black bars that stay on top, and thus prevent me from accessing menus and status bars that might be there… (tested with firefox, element, android studio and openscad at least…) very very unpractical… is there any way to tell to maximize to the real available screen size?


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