L5 Crimson image testing thread

This is supposed to be an updated wiki table of PureOS Crimson version on Librem for the community to give an overview what works (and what still need work) and what has been tested. Latest image can be checked under “latest”. More info, see announcement: PureOS Crimson Development Report: December 2024 – Purism

Make your notes about Crimson to the thread - also about what works, not just what doesn’t or is still old. Remember to also give feedback of non-working issues to PureOS-project - Purism Mailing Lists

App / Feature   Hardware combination Crimson image Status Date tested Version of app Can update Notes (behavior, workaround…)
Phosh Evergreen/ USA/Redpine 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :question: JAN 17th :arrow_forward: 0.34 ? very old
??? / popouts Evergreen/USA/Redpine 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :warning: JAN 17th :question: ? pop-outs are not adapted to the mobile screen e.g. Pages that in Byzantium had back arrows but are in a separate window.
Microphone Evergreen/USA/Redpine 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :x: JAN 17th :question: ? Microphone is not showing up in Settings
Audio/speakers Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: JAN 21st :question: ? Speaker test sounds came out; right(top) was noticeably quiet
Chats/SMS Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 19th :arrow_forward: 0.8.0rc0 no sending/receiving SMS
Chats/MMS Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :warning: Jan 19th :arrow_forward: 0.8.0rc0 no receiving MMS does not work
WLAN Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 19th :question: no WLAN works
WLAN Evergreen/normal/Redpine 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :x: Jan 21th :question: no WLAN does not work
Bluetooth (SparkLan) Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 19th :question: no Bluetooth works; Bluetooth headset: works and less crackling sound compared to Byzantium
Bluetooth (RedPine) Evergreen/USA/RedPine 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :warning: Jan 20th :question: ? Bluetooth works off and on
Bluetooth (RedPine) Evergreen/normal/RedPine 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :x: Jan 19th :question: ? Bluetooth does not work
Gnome Calls Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :warning: Jan 19th 45.alpha-0 no Ringtone works, but no audio works during the call, the microphone is not even selectable in the audio settings (receiving and making a call)
4G Internet Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 19th :question: ? 4G mobile connection works
GNOME browser (Epiphany) Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 19th :question: ? Browsing and watching Youtube videos works
FireFox ESR Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 21th 128.6.0esr ? Browsing and watching Youtube videos works
Millipixels (Camera App) / libcamera Evergreen/USA/Redpine 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :warning: Jan 27th 0.22/0.3.2 yes (from backports) Millipixels is not installed, or installable (unmet dependencies), available in backports
initramfs-tools & core Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 21st :arrow_forward: 0.142 yes possibly the only things upgradable at the moment from normal repo via apt
rsync Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 21st :arrow_forward: 3.2.7 yes possibly the only things upgradable at the moment from normal repo via apt (this one is important security patch)
PureOS Store Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 21th :next_track_button: 43.4 no If 3.36.1 is the Byz version, then this is newer, but categories are still empty
Blanket Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 21th 0.6.0 ? PureOS Store had a couple of apps visible and this started to install but ran out of room
GNOME Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 21th :arrow_forward: 43 no
gparted Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :x: Jan 21th 1.3.1-1 no Installs but doesn’t run (“cannot open display”)
Calculator Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :warning: Jan 21th 43.0.1 no Squeekboard rises to cover the lower portion of calculator, hiding lowest line buttons
Baobab (Gnome disc analyser) Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 21th 43.0 no Installable from repo; needs Mobile Settings to fit properly
LUKS Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :x: Jan 21th ? ? No discs encrypted yet; no prompt to unlock them at boot
Displays Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 21th ? ? I don’t remember seeing Refersh rate in Byz (this shows 63,41Hz [is it compatible in convergence?]
Mobile Settings Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 21th 0.34 ? Seems to work (Composer, pin scrambler…)
Convergeance (external display, mouse, kb) Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :warning: Jan 21th ? ? Ok. Mouse and keyboard are fine. A bit iffy with sharing of screen (shutting off L5 screen helped), but that could be about my setup. L5 shut down when removing hub cable
Dino (XMPP) Evergreen/normal/? 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 21th 0.4.4 ? installable and works fine
HW kill switches Evergreen/normal/SparkLan 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :white_check_mark: Jan 21th ? ? software seems to respond as expected

Everything ok, works mostly perfect: :white_check_mark:
Broken partly, but testable: :warning:
So broken, it’s not even testable: :x:
Unknown: :question: or just ?
Newer than in Byzantium: :arrow_forward:
The latest version: :next_track_button:
Very old (Byzantium): :previous_track_button:




My Hardware:
Evergreen/L5 USA/Redpine


Well, that’s a start… (both Crimson and status table)


Note that using the latest version icon against the “version of app” is prone to become out of date. I would combine that column with the next column and leave it just as the version of the app.


It’s going to happen over time and there’s going to be updating challenges in any case. I see you point but I think using it gives at least a better view of what the situation was at “moment of reporting”. Hopefully everything in the table will get out of date as new images arrive. I was thinking just adding more lines an grouping them by App / Feature but there’s also the option of making a separate table per image. Both have pros and cons, and part of that is that eventually the version numbers and icons need updating (which may not be too much work in the end - we’ll see).


Calls do not work here on Crimson.


Has anybody tried an XMPP client yet?

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App / Feature   Hardware combination Crimson image Status Date tested Version of app Can update Notes (behavior, workaround…) -
Chats/SMS Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 1st :white_check_mark: Jan 19th :next_track_button: 0.8.0rc0 no sending/receiving SMS
Chats/MMS Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 1st :x: Jan 19th :next_track_button: 0.8.0rc0 no receiving MMS does not work
??/WLAN Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 1st :white_check_mark: Jan 19th :question: yes WLAN works
??/Bluetooth Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 1st :white_check_mark: Jan 19th :question: yes Bluetooth headset: works and less crackling sound compared to Byzantium
Gnome Calls Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 1st Broken partly, but testable: :warning: Jan 19th 45.alpha-0 yes Ringtone works, but no audio works during the call, the microphone is not even selectable in the audio settings (receiving and making a call)
4G Internet/Web Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 1st :white_check_mark: Jan 19th 43.1 yes Browsing and watching Youtube videos works

Does wifi/bluetooth work for you? It seems not to work for me with Redpine module.

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Wifi works but bluetooth does not - I had kinda thought it was just me :laughing:

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@MIke2, I updated your list to the wiki list. Thanks for the excellent list, it helped to have it in order, but you should be able to edit the wiki directly - lets keep all the info in one list. Just to double check: “update” was possible, so you were able to get newer version with apt, right? it’s just that I’m not sure how you updated wifi and bt etc. And if someone could confirm which browsers work (Gnome, FF are the most commonly used).

Btw. dangers of testing: my flashing write process got interrupted and now I’m soooo glad to have a taken that disc image backup…



Does anybody have any suggestions on how to debug the fact hat WiFi is not visible in GNOME Settings? WiFi worked without problems on Byzantium.


I would probably toggle the respective hardware kill switch at least once and/or restart the Librem 5.

Thank you. Just a correction regarding my post: I didn’t update anything, I cannot edit my last post anymore. The answer to “Can update” is no , I didn’t try that. I updated that in your list.


The flash image is convenient but as it’s only root, it’s annoyingly small [no separate home partition, only about 5Gb used] - not much room to install anything (not that it’s needed - even for testing).

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Do you still have this problem? Works for me but according to the table, it may depend on which card you have.

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I can test now a few more things until tomorrow. Any suggestions?

[edit: Unfortunately Calls and Chats are not on the menu atm]

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How about convergence?

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Yes, I still have the problem. So, I have the Redpine card, and WiFi seems not to be detected correctly. Rebooting or switching HKS off and on helps not.

I see this in the logging (sudo journalctl -f) after first switching WiFi HKS off, and then on again (note that I did not type all details below, because I have no possibility to copy paste, so it is manually typed):

... manager: rfkill: Wi-Fi now enabled by radio killswitch
... kernel: mmc1: new high speed SDIO card at address fffd
... pureos kernel: rsi_91x: rsi_probe: 9116 module detected
... puros kernel: RSI-SDIO WLAN mmc1:fffd:1: Direct firmware load for rsi/rs9116_wlan_bt_classic.rps failed with error -2
... Failed to open file rsi/rs9116_wlan_bt_classic.rps
... pureos kernel: Error: Driver 'RSI-SDIO WLAN' is already registered, aborting...
... pureos systemd[1]: systemd-rfkill.service: Deactivated successfully

I was positively surprised, although I still don’t find it very stable (similar to byz situation, although it might be about my specific monitor). I’m curious if the refresh rate that display settings now shows for L5 (63,41Hz) is the culprit here (as it’s not 60Hz like normal) - that wasn’t shown in the old settings. All in all, I wish there would be more of a delay before the monitor setup is switched (now it seems so hair triggered) and/or memory for preference profiles that keep (which setting with what monitor) that could be forced somehow.

Oh, and removing the hub while in convergence shut down the phone.

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