L5 Crimson image testing thread

**NOTE: The table layout is open for comments (does it work for this?)**

This is supposed to be an updated wiki table of PureOS Crimson version on Librem for the community to give an overview what works (and what still need work) and what has been tested. Look for the latest image under “latest”.
Make your notes about Crimson to the thread - also about what works, not just what doesn’t or is still old. Remember to also give feedback of non-working issues to PureOS-project - Purism Mailing Lists

App / Feature   Hardware combination Crimson image Status Date tested Version of app Can update Notes (behavior, workaround…) -
Example Evergreen/normal/SparkLAN 1st :white_check_mark: Jan 17th :next_track_button: 0.0.1 no testing this table
Example 2 Amber/normal/RedPine 1st :x: Jan 1st :arrow_forward: yes old, not updated
Phosh Evergreen/ USA/Redpine 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :question: JAN 17th :arrow_forward: 0.34 ? very old
??? / popouts Evergreen/USA/Redpine 14-Jan-2025 18:35 :warning: JAN 17th :question: ? pop-outs are not adapted to the mobile screen e.g. Pages that in Byzantium had back arrows but are in a separate window.

Everything ok, works mostly perfect: :white_check_mark:
Broken partly, but testable: :warning:
So broken, it’s not even testable: :x:
Unknown: :question:
Newer than in Byzantium: :arrow_forward:
The latest version: :next_track_button:
Very old (Byzantium): :previous_track_button:




My Hardware:
Evergreen/L5 USA/Redpine


Well, that’s a start… (both Crimson and status table)


Note that using the latest version icon against the “version of app” is prone to become out of date. I would combine that column with the next column and leave it just as the version of the app.


It’s going to happen over time and there’s going to be updating challenges in any case. I see you point but I think using it gives at least a better view of what the situation was at “moment of reporting”. Hopefully everything in the table will get out of date as new images arrive. I was thinking just adding more lines an grouping them by App / Feature but there’s also the option of making a separate table per image. Both have pros and cons, and part of that is that eventually the version numbers and icons need updating (which may not be too much work in the end - we’ll see).


Calls do not work here on Crimson.

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