L5 refuses to open Chat

Here we go:

  1. L5 is plugged in to charger. Battery is at 99% or 100%, take Ur pick.
  2. Go to Contacts > Add contact & enter their mobile phone number.
  3. I get a white screen with the words… (half way down the screen in micro-print is)

“Device to send SMS with.”

  1. L5 can add a new Contact, but can’t find it’s way to show it in Chat.
    I can repeat this with existing contacts when clicking on Contact mobile icon, get same screen.

  2. Then I used “Web” browser to go to webmail (uggg!) and doing so, I get"

Configuration Error.
Failed to read the configuration file.
Please contact your system administrator.

That’s before it even reached ISP.
(Yup. we all carry one of or more of those system administrators with with us.)

So tried FireFox - same thing.

Steps I took.

  1. Most steps I took are in chronological order above.
  2. So, I tried WEB browser (comes with L5 to login to my ISP and I get their error saying:

Unable to communicate with login server.

  1. So I called my ISP, after a long wait, spoke to a person who clearly didn’t know what I was talking about. Their English was’t so good but we made it through to ‘sorry, you need to contact your mobile provider’.

I think it’s tied in to the L5 error but what do I know, I can’t even find my ‘system administrators’! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I hope this all makes sense to someone. Before I’m asked:
I checked the settings on the phone - nothing changed.

To check another method on L5 to Internet, I opened WARP, a Gnome file transfer program, and set it to transfer from L5 to desktop. Another error that says:

WormholeError: PakeFailed

that is a copy & paste from WARP.

Thanks for reading


In regard to your missing “system administrator” … I think that’s what amarok was referring to last month here: Tangents from increase battery life - #28 by amarok

It appears that, for whatever reason, your phone was not connected to the network.

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Sidenote: How long has it been since you have updated your L5?

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L5 is simply angry and doesn’t want to chat with you anymore. Just apologize to the L5!

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I have no idea. In the 40+ years I’ve been working with computers, that is one thing I never had to remember. I let it do it’s thing. When I see a note updates are ready, I will often times ignore it for a couple weeks until it’s done beta testing, then do the apt update thing.
Too, when things that I use; text, text w/ attached, and transfer files that come in with a text, are working, I try not to change things that work. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


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You’re still not very funny at all. Back you go.

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That’s your opinion … and that’s fine. That said, pretty much everything you listed was due to the lack of a connection/route to the internet (via wifi and/or your ISP as well as your cellular modem and/or cellular provider). I’m afraid I don’t have the patience of others here who might walk you through resetting/checking that. Which is why amarok’s comment came to mind.

On the other hand, I’m not sure if you were trying to be funny (Did you actually call your ISP and provide error messages from your L5???) or whether you just enjoy complaining and assume that others find it amusing. Either way, you do seem to complain a lot and I don’t think that most people are amused. [ I could be wrong about that too since it got two “Likes” (photon and FranklyFlawless).]

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Could you please humor me this one more time?
Try this:

  • Go to the PureOS Store;
  • Go to the updates tab;
  • Click Get Updates; (See Message: Loading Updates... This could take a while.)
  • Click Download and then Restart and Upgrade
    I think that this might help some of your problems, but no guarantees.
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Pure OS Store says:
Up to Date
Last checked 1 month ago.

FYI I tried WARP again and it opened and transferred a test file OK.
But, when I open FireFox, I watch the Debian screen for 20 - 25 seconds then the message appears:

FireFox says…
Configuration Error.
Failed to read the configuration file.
Please contact your system administrator.

by swiping that up, and wait, and in about 10 seconds, FF loads and works OK.
Maybe configuration file is corrupt?

If humour helps:
A man walked in to a bar with a chunk of asphalt under his arm. He went over and sat at the bar, sets the asphalt on the seat beside him and says "Yo, bartender - gimme a beer, and one for the road.



Please see this thread here,

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Gadzooks! That was some read. I’m sure there is a solution in there. I need more time to digest it, but I get the gist of. Thanks, and I will check it again.

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I have more important issue worse than FF not performing. I’ll come back to this later - it might fix itself by then :crossed_fingers:t4: Not being able to use Contacts is more important. Thanks very much for your input, I will get back to it later.


No problem. With regards to Contacts, I would check the hamburger menu in the app, top right and go to Preferences and check you are using the primary address book you want to use or try changing to a different address book (if there is a choice). I use Nextcloud for contacts and found this has been a reliable way to share contacts from phone and desktop.