L5 && telegram-cli / telegram-desktop

So with the Telegram Desktop application everything works well if I set global scaling to 175%, but then I have the issue of a smaller squeekboard.

Is there a trick to using the client at 200% scaling? Or is there a way to have scaling set to 175% but the squeekboard stays at 200%?

I have the global scaling as default 200% and the tg client fits nicely in this. See pictures. Or do I understand something wrong in your message?

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I’m on version 4.2 so maybe that is it but for me the client is too wide and the right side of everything does not fit. When setting the global scaling to 175% the client displays perfectly but then the squeekboard shrinks.

you can use the application phosh-mobile-settings to make telegram-desktop scale to fit the screen, that would leave out the keyboard.

Open telegram and then open: phosh-mobile-settings got to the lockscreen section. There should be an option there to make that app scale to fit.
And that setting is persistent.

I did that and for some reason Telegram only scales when you set global scaling to 175% or less.

edit: Small update, but if i use the phosh mobile settings app to forcibly scale all apps it then works! It is kind of nice because it wont scale anything that already fits!!

nowadays in terminal
sudo apt-get install telegram- [tab] offer three options


which one should I choose if I want to use telegram on L5 with chatty? (if it is possible)

I had tried telegram-purple some time ago, it worked, but I think messages would not get marked as “read” on the server (or something) because I got endless copies of the same messages over and over again until I opened them in Telegram Desktop. It’s too bad because I would really like to have all my messaging protocols in one application.

I never tried telegram-cli.

telegram-desktop must be installed with Flatpak, not apt-get, because the version in Apt is too old (at least last time I checked). However as I wrote about a year ago above, the UI broke on phosh, and now we can’t see what we are typing because the keyboard hides the input field. And the last version before that is no longer available on Flatpak. I’ve been wanting to try recompiling it but worried it will make the phone melt, and have no idea how to go about cross-compiling it from a laptop.

It’s a mess, really.

For short messages I do use telegram-cli (on all my UNIXes):

purism@pureos:~$ tg -NW
Telegram-cli version 1.4.1, Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Vitaly Valtman
Telegram-cli comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show_license'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show_license' for details.
Telegram-cli uses libtgl version 2.1.0
I: config dir=[/home/purism/.telegram-cli]
> msg mis_amores Hello world

It has issues, because it is too old. For example, it can’t fetch files.

For the rest I use tg in the browser firefox, works more or less but is slow.