L5 the One Way Radio?

You can use the one provided as an accessory in the Librem 5 box if you still have it.

To be clear … I meant with a 3.5 mm audio plug - that goes in the top of the phone.

I specifically excluded wireless because I believe that at the current time it definitely won’t work (for other, unrelated reasons).

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The box had earplugs but not a headset with a mic.

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The earbuds that came with mine have a little bar with volume buttons and there is a mic on that.


There a mic on the buttons!?!?!?

Who would have thought.

So, do I hold the buttons to my mouth? Is it also push-to-talk like a walkie-talkie?

I was wondering if there was a hidden mic on the earplugs that takes input through the eustachian tube!


No, you can simply talk as-is and your voice will be picked up. Go ahead and call someone with it.

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No it should just automatically use it when you plug them in. You can tell it by the top-bar drop-down.
Sometimes it won’t register, but then you just have to plug it in again.

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Just remember to turn the HKS so the mic is active before plugging in the earbuds.


Those where my thoughts as well, but Tracy mentioned that the mic was somehow working (with an echo that is).

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Now your forcing me to learn where HKS is.


Here is a picture of my HKS. There are three HKS’s. The one on the far right handles Microphone and Camera. In the picture shown, my HKS is downward along the vertical axis of the device.

This downward position disables all audio input. Whenever I call someone, they will be unable to hear me. If instead I move the switch upwards along the vertical axis (in the direction of the tiny decal of a mic/camera) this will power on microphone and camera systems. Then, when I call folks, they can hear me.


You could have just said HKS stood for Hardware Kill Swtiches. (I was looking for some new software setting no one told me about.) Waste of a good picture.


There are, but some of them are hidden (just kidding).

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Sometimes my hardware switches toggle themselves. For example if I want the modem off, sometimes it will come on just on its own from the motion of the device.

Is there any chance your mic hardware kill switched turned off on its own without you intending to turn it off? For me, it’s usually possible to see that when a switch is in a different state than what I want, it is physically offset just a bit and can be positioned back where I want.


When this happened to me, it was Dino and Calls fighting over the sound because they were both connected to the same VoIP account. Took me a while to realize that if I killed Dino, Calls worked fine. :grimacing:


Well it turns out that Dionk was corriect, the last Hardware Kill Swtich got inadvertently flipped. Doesn’t explain how it echoed on itself however, should have not done even that. [Note that from now on I will always spell out “Hardware Kill Switch(es)”]

Update: I must have tested this just before the AweSIM outage announced yesterday. It worked then.


The opposite of loud and clear…I love brownies.

It’s a throat mic, just tape it to your neck.

But then I would sound like a Mig-21 Pilot.

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Haven’t you always wanted to be a fighter pilot?