Libobscura: Cameras are difficult

Between Xmas and Silvester German hackers club “Chaos Computer Club” (CCC) is going to continue it’s traditional Chaos Communication Congress #38 (38C3).

This year @dcz is going to hold a talk about Linux camera APIs / stacks.

Usually the curated talks can be viewed via live stream or later the recordings can be found at


I will definitely tune in or check the recording, been following the API progress for a while.

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I will be donating in January to help your efforts @dcz

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This reminds me that after new year’s were going to have to open a new thread for the next annual photography showcase (as we had a year ago).

So, anyone interested still has a week to get a publishable photo with L5 from this year!


I love photography, so I can definitely get in on this!

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